Working with the Text Preparation Pipeline ========================================== The Text Preparation Pipeline - is MindMeld's text processing module which handles the preprocessing, tokenization, normalization, and stemming of raw queries - has extensible components that can be configured based on language-specific requirements - offers components that integrate functionality from Spacy, NLTK and Regex The :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` processes text in the following order: .. image:: /images/text_preparation_pipeline.png :align: center :name: text_preparation_pipeline The diagram below is a visual example of a :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` that uses Spacy for tokenization, Regex for normalization and NLTK for stemming. .. image:: /images/text_preparation_pipeline_sample_breakdown.png :align: center :name: text_preparation_pipeline_sample_breakdown TextPreparationPipeline Configuration ------------------------------------- The :attr:`DEFAULT_TEXT_PREPARATION_CONFIG` is shown below. Observe that various normalization classes have been pre-selected by default. To modify the selected components (or to use a subset of the normalization steps), duplicate the default config and rename it to :attr:`TEXT_PREPARATION_CONFIG`. Place this custom config in the :attr:`` file for your application. If a custom configuration is not defined, a default is used. The config below is an example of a default config specifically for English. The :attr:`normalizers` component includes 12 default MindMeld regex normalization rules in addition to :attr:`Lowercase` and :attr:`ASCIIFold`. .. code-block:: python DEFAULT_EN_TEXT_PREPARATION_CONFIG = { "preprocessors": [], "tokenizer": "WhiteSpaceTokenizer", "normalizers": [ 'RemoveAposAtEndOfPossesiveForm', 'RemoveAdjacentAposAndSpace', 'RemoveBeginningSpace', 'RemoveTrailingSpace', 'ReplaceSpacesWithSpace', 'ReplaceUnderscoreWithSpace', 'SeparateAposS', 'ReplacePunctuationAtWordStartWithSpace', 'ReplacePunctuationAtWordEndWithSpace', 'ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersAndDigitsWithSpace', 'ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenDigitsAndLettersWithSpace', 'ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersWithSpace', 'Lowercase', 'ASCIIFold' ], "regex_norm_rules": [], "stemmer": "EnglishNLTKStemmer", "keep_special_chars": r"\@\[\]'" } In general, the :attr:`Tokenizer` is the :attr:`WhiteSpaceTokenizer` by default and the :attr:`Stemmer` is dynamically selected based on the language of the application, if they are not explicitly defined in the config. The table below explains these defaults: +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Config Element | Default | Condition | +====================+=================================+============================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================+ | Preprocessors | None | Always | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | 12 Default MindMeld Regex Rules | | | | | | | | Lowercase | | | | | | | Normalizers | ASCII Fold | Always | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Regex Norm Rules | None | Always | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Tokenizer | WhiteSpaceTokenizer | Default for all languages. | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Stemmer | EnglishNLTKStemmer | If the language is English. | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | SnowballStemmer | If the language is supported by NLTK's SnowballStemmer: Danish (da), Dutch (nl), Finnish (fi), French (fr), German (de), Hungarian (hu), Italian (it), Norwegian (nb), Portuguese (pt), Romanian (ro), Russian (ru), Spanish (es) and Swedish (sv). | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | NoOpStemmer | If the language is not English and is not supported by NLTK's SnowballStemmer. | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keep_special_chars | @, [, ], ' | Always | +--------------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Let's define the parameters in the TextPreparationPipeline config: ``'preprocessors'`` (:class:`List[str]`): The preprocessor class to use. (Mindmeld does not currently offer default preprocessors.) ``'tokenizer'`` (:class:`str`): The tokenization method to split raw queries. ``'normalizers'`` (:class:`List[str]`): List of normalization classes. The text will be normalized sequentially given the order of the normalizers specified. ``'keep_special_chars'`` (:class:`str`): String containing characters to be skipped when normalizing/filtering special characters. This only applies for a subset of default MindMeld normalization rules. ``'regex_norm_rules'`` (:class:`List[Dict]`): Regex normalization rules represented as dictionaries. Each rule should have the key "pattern" and "replacement" which map to a regex pattern (str) and replacement string, respectively. For example: { "pattern": "_", "replacement": " " }. ``'stemmer`` (:class:`str`): The stemmer class to reduce words to their word stem. .. note:: If :attr:`regex_norm_rules` are specified in the config they will be applied before other normalization rules. This includes the default normalization rules if normalization rules are not explicitly defined in the config. .. _preprocessing: Preprocessing -------------- By preprocessing text, we can make modifications to raw text before it is processed through the :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline`. Examples of some common preprocessing tasks include spelling correction, punctuation removal, handling special characters, and other kinds of application-specific text normalization. Currently, MindMeld does not offer pre-built processors, however, the pipeline does support custom preprocessors. Creating a Custom Preprocessor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section includes boilerplate code to build a custom preprocessor class. Let's build a simple :attr:`ASRPreprocessor` class that corrects mistranscriptions which is a common problem with Automatic Speech Recognition systems. A custom preprocessor must extend from MindMeld's abstract :attr:`Preprocessor` class: .. code:: python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class Preprocessor(ABC): """ Base class for Preprocessor object """ @abstractmethod def process(self, text): """ Args: text (str) Returns: (str) """ pass Now that we have a better understanding of the base class. Let's create a simple :attr:`ASRPreprocessor` class which implements the abstract :attr:`preprocess` method and replaces any substring of "croissant ready" with the intended name, "prasanth reddy". .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.preprocessors import Preprocessor class ASRPreprocessor(Preprocessor): """ Sample Preprocessor Class """ def process(self, text): return text.replace("croissant ready", "Prasanth Reddy") This would transform the transcript "Let's start the meeting with croissant ready." to "Let's start the meeting with Prasanth Reddy." The steps to use a custom Preprocessor in your application are explained :ref:`here `. .. _tokenization: Tokenization ------------- .. _tokenization_text_preparation_pipeline: Tokenization is the process of splitting the text of a query into smaller chunks. MindMeld offers a number of ready-made tokenizers that you can use for your application. MindMeld supports the development of custom tokenizers as well. White Space Tokenizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`WhiteSpaceTokenizer` splits up a sentence by whitespace characters. For example, we can run: .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.tokenizers import WhiteSpaceTokenizer sentence = "MindMeld is a Conversational AI Platform." white_space_tokenizer = WhiteSpaceTokenizer() tokens = white_space_tokenizer.tokenize(sentence) print([t['text'] for t in tokens]) We find that the resulting tokens are split by whitespace as expected. .. code:: python ['MindMeld', 'is', 'a', 'Conversational', 'AI', 'Platform.'] Character Tokenizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`CharacterTokenizer` splits up a sentence by the individual characters. This can be helpful for languages such as Japanese. Let's break apart the Japanese translation for the phrase "The tall man": .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.tokenizers import CharacterTokenizer sentence_ja = "背の高い男性" character_tokenizer = CharacterTokenizer() tokens = character_tokenizer.tokenize(sentence_ja) print([t['text'] for t in tokens]) We see that the original text is split at the character level. .. code:: python ['背', 'の', '高', 'い', '男', '性'] Letter Tokenizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`LetterTokenizer` splits text into a separate token if the character proceeds a space, is a non-latin character, or is a different unicode category than the previous character. This can be helpful to keep characters of the same type together. Let's look at an example with numbers in a Japanese sentence, "1年は365日". This sentence translates to "One year has 365 days". .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.tokenizers import LetterTokenizer sentence_ja = "1年は365日" letter_tokenizer = LetterTokenizer() tokens = letter_tokenizer.tokenize(sentence_ja) print([t['text'] for t in tokens]) We see that the original text is split at the character level for non-latin characters but the number "365" remains as an unsegmented token. .. code:: python ['1', '年', 'は', '365', '日'] Spacy Tokenizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`SpacyTokenizer` splits up a sentence using `Spacy's language models `_. Supported languages include English (en), Spanish (es), French (fr), German (de), Danish (da), Greek (el), Portuguese (pt), Lithuanian (lt), Norwegian Bokmal (nb), Romanian (ro), Polish (pl), Italian (it), Japanese (ja), Chinese (zh), Dutch (nl). If the required Spacy model is not already present it will automatically downloaded during runtime. Let's use the :attr:`SpacyTokenizer` to tokenize the Japanese translation of "The gentleman is gone, no one knows why it happened!": .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.tokenizers import SpacyTokenizer sentence_ja = "背の高い男性" spacy_tokenizer_ja = SpacyTokenizer(language="ja", spacy_model_size="sm") tokens = spacy_tokenizer_ja.tokenize(sentence_ja) We see that the original text is split semantically and not simply by whitespace. .. code:: python ['背', 'の', '高い', '男性'] Creating a Custom Tokenizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section includes boilerplate code to build a custom tokenizer class. Let's rebuild a :attr:`CharacterTokenizer` class that creates a token for each character in a string as long as the character is not a space. A custom tokenizer must extend from MindMeld's abstract :attr:`Tokenizer` class: .. code:: python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class Tokenizer(ABC): """Abstract Tokenizer Base Class.""" @abstractmethod def tokenize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): The text to tokenize. Returns: tokens (List[Dict]): List of tokenized tokens which a represented as dictionaries. Keys include "start" (token starting index), and "text" (token text). For example: [{"start": 0, "text":"hello"}] """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method") Note that any MindMeld tokenizer must return the final tokens as a list of dictionaries. Where each dictionary represents a single token and contains the "start" index of the token and the "text" of the token. Here is an example of the expected output for the tokens generated when tokenizing the phrase "Hi Andy": [{"start": 0, "text":"Hi"}, {"start": 3, "text":"Andy"}]. The starting indices here refer to the starting indices in the processed text. With this in mind, let's recreate MindMeld's :attr:`CharacterTokenizer` class which converts every individual character in a string into a separate token while skipping spaces. .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.tokenizers import Tokenizer class CharacterTokenizer(Tokenizer): """A Tokenizer that splits text at the character level.""" def tokenize(self, text): tokens = [] for idx, char in enumerate(text): if not char.isspace(): tokens.append({"start": idx, "text": char}) return tokens This tokenizes the phrase "Hi Andy" in the following manner: .. code:: python [ {'start': 0, 'text': 'H'}, {'start': 1, 'text': 'i'}, {'start': 3, 'text': 'A'}, {'start': 4, 'text': 'n'}, {'start': 5, 'text': 'd'}, {'start': 6, 'text': 'y'} ] The steps to use a custom Tokenizer in your application are explained :ref:`here `. Normalization -------------- Normalization is the process of transforming text into a standardized form. MindMeld supports the use of multiple normalizers to be applied to the original raw query in a sequential manner. MindMeld offers a number of pre-built normalizers that can be specified in the :attr:`` file. MindMeld also supports the development of custom normalizers to meet application-specific requirements. .. note:: Normalization and Tokenization are conducted around MindMeld's entity annotations. For example, let's look at the query, "Where is {Andy Neff|person_name} located?". Let's assume our normalization method is to use the Uppercase value of each character. The :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` will normalize the query to become the following: "WHERE IS {ANDY NEFF|person_name} LOCATED?". Notice that the entity name in the entity annotation is not modified. A similar process happens during tokenization. Another way to think of this, is that the entity annotations are "temporarily removed" before normalization and then added back in. Default Regex Normalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, MindMeld uses 12 Regex-based normalization rules when normalizing texts (in addition to :attr:`Lowercase` and :attr:`ASCIIFold`). Descriptions for these 12 rules can be found in the table below. +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | Regex Normalization Rule | Description | Example Input | Example Output | +=====================================================+==================================================================================================+=======================================+===============================+ | RemoveAposAtEndOfPossesiveForm | Removes any apostrophe following an 's' at the end of a word. | "dennis' truck" | "dennis truck" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | RemoveAdjacentAposAndSpace | Removes apostrophes followed by a space character and apostrphes that precede a space character. | "havana' " | "havana" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | RemoveBeginningSpace | Removes extra spaces at the start of a word. | " MindMeld" | "MindMeld" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | RemoveTrailingSpace | Removes extra spaces at the end of a word. | "MindMeld " | "MindMeld" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplaceSpacesWithSpace | Replaces multiple consecutive spaces with a single space. | "How are you?" | "How are you?" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplaceUnderscoreWithSpace | Replaces underscore with a single space. | "How_are_you?" | "How are you?" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | SeparateAposS | Adds a space before 's. | "mindmeld's code" | "mindmeld 's code" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplacePunctuationAtWordStartWithSpace | Replaces special characters infront of words with a space. | "HI %#++=-=SPERO" | "HI SPERO" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplacePunctuationAtWordEndWithSpace | Replaces special characters following words with a space. | "How%+=* are++- you^^%" | "How are you" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersAndDigitsWithSpace | Replaces special characters between letters and digits with a space. | "Coding^^!#%24 hours#%7 days" | "Coding 24 hours 7 days" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenDigitsAndLettersWithSpace | Replaces special characters between digits and letters with a space. | "Coding 24^^!#%%hours 7##%days" | "Coding 24 hours 7 days" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersWithSpace | Replaces special characters between letters and letters with a space. | "Coding all^^!#%%hours seven##%days" | "Coding all hours seven days" | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ The last 5 rules (:attr:`ReplacePunctuationAtWordStartWithSpace`, :attr:`ReplacePunctuationAtWordEndWithSpace`, :attr:`ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersAndDigitsWithSpace`, :attr:`ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenDigitsAndLettersWithSpace`, :attr:`ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersWithSpace`) above remove special characters in different contexts. These special characters can be specified in the config using the key, :attr:`keep_special_chars`. By default, :attr:`keep_special_chars` includes :attr:`@`, :attr:`[`, :attr:`]` and :attr:`'` represented as a single string. A custom set of special characters can be specified in :attr:``. Lowercase Normalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`Lowercase` normalizer converts every character in a string to its lowercase equivalent. For example: .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.normalizers import Lowercase sentence = "I Like to Run!" lowercase_normalizer = Lowercase() normalized_text = lowercase_normalizer.normalize(sentence) print(normalized_text) As expected, this would display the following normalized text: .. code:: python 'i like to run!' ASCII Fold Normalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`ASCIIFold` normalizer converts numeric, symbolic and alphabetic characters which are not in the first 127 ASCII characters (Basic Latin Unicode block) into an ASCII equivalent (if possible). For example, we can normalize the following Spanish sentence with several accented characters: .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.normalizers import ASCIIFold sentence_es = "Ha pasado un caballero, ¡quién sabe por qué pasó!" ascii_fold_normalizer = ASCIIFold() normalized_text = ascii_fold_normalizer.normalize(sentence_es) print(normalized_text) The accents are removed and the accented characters have been replaced with compatible ASCII equivalents. .. code:: python 'Ha pasado un caballero, ¡quien sabe por que paso!' Unicode Character Normalization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Unicode Character Normalization includes techniques such as :attr:`NFD`, :attr:`NFC`, :attr:`NFKD`, :attr:`NFKC`. These methods break down characters into their canonical or compatible character equivalents as defined by unicode. Let's take a look at an example. Say we are trying to normalize the word :attr:`quién` using :attr:`NFKD`. .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.normalizers import NFKD nfd_normalizer = NFKD() text = "quién" normalized_text = nfd_normalizer.normalize(text) Interestingly, we find that the normalized text looks identical with the original text, it is not quite the same. .. code:: python >>> print(text, normalized_text) >>> quién quién >>> print(text == normalized_text) >>> False We can print the character values for each of the texts and observe the the normalization has actually changed the representaation for :attr:`é`. .. code:: python >>> print([ord(c) for c in text]) >>> [113, 117, 105, 233, 110] >>> print([ord(c) for c in normalized_text]) >>> [113, 117, 105, 101, 769, 110] Creating a Custom Normalizer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section includes boilerplate code to build a custom normalizer class. Let's recreate the :attr:`Lowercase` normalizer class. A custom tokenizer must extend from MindMeld's abstract :attr:`Normalizer` class: .. code:: python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class Normalizer(ABC): """Abstract Normalizer Base Class.""" @abstractmethod def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Text to normalize. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method") With this in mind, let's recreate MindMeld's :attr:`Lowercase` normalizer class. .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.normalizers import Normalizer class Lowercase(Normalizer): def normalize(self, text): return text.lower() This normalizer would transform the text "I Like to Run!" to "i like to run!". The steps to use a custom Normalizer in your application are explained :ref:`here `. .. note:: MindMeld normalizes queries on a per-token basis. Custom normalizers should be designed to normalize individual tokens and not sentences as a whole. Stemming -------- Stemming is the process of reducing a word to its stem or root. If a stemmer is not specified in the :attr:`TEXT_PREPARATION_CONFIG`, then MindMeld will automatically select a stemmer based on the language of the application. EnglishNLTKStemmer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`EnglishNLTKStemmer` stemmer uses a modified version of the :attr:`PorterStemmer` from the nltk library. The Porter stemmer implements a series of rules that removes common suffixes, and this version of it removes inflectional suffixes but leaves (most) derivational suffixes in place. This includes removing the final letters "s"/"es" from plural words or "ing" from gerunds, but leaving more meaningful suffixes like "tion" and "ment" alone. Let's take a look at a few examples of the :attr:`EnglishNLTKStemmer`. First we'll make an instance of the stemmer: .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.stemmers import EnglishNLTKStemmer english_nltk_stemmer = EnglishNLTKStemmer() Now let's stem the words "running" and "governments". .. code:: python >>> print(english_nltk_stemmer.stem_word("running")) >>> run >>> print(english_nltk_stemmer.stem_word("governments")) >>> government As expected, the stemmer removes "ing" from "running" and the "s" from "governments" to create stemmed words. SnowballNLTKStemmer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :attr:`SnowballNLTKStemmer` stemmer works in a similar manner to the :attr:`EnglishNLTKStemmer`, however, it removes more suffixes and offers support for a larger set of languages. Namely, the :attr:`SnowballNLTKStemmer` supports Danish (da), Dutch (nl), Finnish (fi), French (fr), German (de), Hungarian (hu), Italian (it), Norwegian (nb), Portuguese (pt), Romanian (ro), Russian (ru), Spanish (es) and Swedish (sv). To create an instance of the :attr:`SnowballNLTKStemmer`, we can use MindMeld's :attr:`StemmerFactory`. .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.stemmers import SnowballNLTKStemmer es_snowball_stemmer = SnowballNLTKStemmer("spanish") Now let's stem the words "corriendo" ("running") and "gobiernos" ("governments"). .. code:: python >>> print(es_snowball_stemmer.stem_word("corriendo")) >>> corr >>> print(es_snowball_stemmer.stem_word("gobiernos")) >>> gobi As expected, the stemmer removes "iendo" from "corriendo" and the "ernos" from "gobiernos" to create stemmed words. Creating a Custom Stemmer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This section includes boilerplate code to build a custom stemmer class. A custom stemmer must extend from MindMeld's abstract :attr:`Stemmer` class: .. code:: python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod class Stemmer(ABC): @abstractmethod def stem_word(self, word): """ Gets the stem of a word. For example, the stem of the word 'fishing' is 'fish'. Args: word (str): The word to stem Returns: stemmed_word (str): A stemmed version of the word """ raise NotImplementedError Let's create a stemmer that uses Spacy's lemmatization functionality to use lemmatized tokens. We'll call it the :attr:`SpacyLemmatizer`. .. code:: python from mindmeld.text_preparation.stemmers import Stemmer class SpacyLemmatizer(Stemmer): def __init__(self): self.nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') def stem_word(self, word): """ Args: word (str): The word to stem Returns: stemmed_word (str): A lemmatized version of the word """ doc = self.nlp(word) return " ".join([token.lemma_ for token in doc]) The :attr:`SpacyLemmatizer` would transform "ran" to "run". The steps to use a custom Stemmer in your application are explained in the section below. .. _custom-pipeline: Using a Custom TextPreparationPipeline for your Application ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As a recap, every MindMeld project is also a Python package and has an ``__init.py__`` file at the root level. This package also contains an *application container* -- a container for all of the logic and functionality for your application. This application container enumerates all of the dialogue states and their associated handlers, and should be defined as ``app`` in the application's Python package. To use a :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` with custom components, we must pass in a custom object into the application container in ``__init.py__``. Let's first take a look at an example of an ``__init.py__`` file before a custom :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` used. .. code:: python :caption: root/ (Without a Custom Pipeline) from mindmeld import Application app = Application(__name__) @app.handle(intent='greet') def welcome(request, responder): responder.reply('Hello') Now let's look at this ``__init.py__`` file after a custom :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` is used. To isolate the logic and functionality of our custom :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` let's create the object in a separate file at the root level, we'll call it ````. ```` will contain a function :attr:`get_text_preparation_pipeline()` which we can use to pass the custom pipeline into the application container. .. code:: python :caption: root/ (With a Custom Pipeline) from mindmeld import Application from .text_preparation_pipeline import get_text_preparation_pipeline app = Application(__name__, text_preparation_pipeline=get_text_preparation_pipeline()) @app.handle(intent='greet') def welcome(request, responder): responder.reply('Hello') In the ```` file we'll implement the :attr:`get_text_preparation_pipeline()` method which returns a custom :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` object. Let's piece together multiple custom components into a single :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline`. We will define and use an :attr:`ASRPreprocessor`, :attr:`GerundSuffixStemmer` and :attr:`RemoveExclamation` normalizer. In the code below, we have created each of our components by implementing the respective MindMeld abstract classes. In :attr:`get_text_preparation_pipeline()` we first create a default :attr:`TextPreparationPipeline` using the :attr:`TextPreparationPipelineFactory`. This factory class uses the specifications in the config for the application which is identified by the current path. A series of setter methods are used to update components. Finally, the modified pipeline is returned. .. code:: python :caption: root/ from mindmeld.text_preparation.text_preparation_pipeline import TextPreparationPipelineFactory from mindmeld.text_preparation.preprocessors import Preprocessor from mindmeld.text_preparation.stemmers import Stemmer from mindmeld.text_preparation.normalizers import Normalizer class ASRPreprocessor(Preprocessor): def process(self, text): return text.replace("croissant ready", "Prasanth Reddy") class GerundSuffixStemmer(Stemmer): def stem_word(self, word): if word.endswith("ing"): return word[:-len("ing")] return word class RemoveExclamation(Normalizer): def normalize(self, text): return text.lower() def get_text_preparation_pipeline(): text_preparation_pipeline = TextPreparationPipelineFactory.create_from_app_config("./") text_preparation_pipeline.set_preprocessors([ASRPreprocessor()]) text_preparation_pipeline.normalizers.append(RemoveExclamation()) text_preparation_pipeline.set_stemmer(GerundSuffixStemmer()) return text_preparation_pipeline