Food Ordering
build a conversational application that allows users to order food or drinks for delivery from nearby restaurants.
Video Discovery
build a conversational application that allows users to browse and find movies and TV shows from a large content catalog.
Home Assistant
build a conversational application for a smart home that allows users to control different devices and appliances.
Leveraging AI and NLU to Streamline the Network Operations Center
AI and NLU are revolutionizing how engineers operate and troubleshoot their network infrastructure.
How Joan built a room booking chatbot using MindMeld
Visionect is a tech company with more than 10 years of experience in designing low-power electronic paper-based solutions...
How MindMeld is used to conserve agricultural water
(...and win hackathons in the process)
Water scarcity is a global issue that affects billions of people. Globally, 70% of freshwater is used...
Cisco open sources MindMeld conversational AI platform
Cisco announced today that it was open-sourcing the MindMeld conversation AI platform, making it available to anyone who wants to...
Cisco open-sources MindMeld conversational AI platform
Cisco today open-sourced its MindMeld conversational AI platform for creating voice or text agents, used to create Cisco's...
Cisco open-sources MindMeld conversational AI platform
Cisco DevNet provides resources, code repositories, and testing sandboxes for developers to build and test conversational AI...
Smart-Ag Team Wins IoT Hackathon at IoT World 2019
Smart Ag, a team composed of personnel from Cisco, HydroTrek, Roietronics and the University of Pittsburgh, won the IoT hackathon at Internet of Things World 2019...
The landscape of conversational AI platforms
The market is crowded. Players ranging from startups to blue chip companies now offer conversational AI platforms. I think of the major differences between platforms...
Cisco Conversational AI MindMeld Is Now Open-Source
Cisco open-sourced its conversational AI for developers to build bots, intelligent assistants and applications for businesses...
Cisco Pulling Back the Curtain on Conversational AI Platform
After acquiring the startup MindMeld for $125 million in 2017, the networking giant is making its core conversational AI platform open source...
Eye on A.I.— Why Hardware Is So Important to A.I.'s Future
Using artificial intelligence successfully isn’t just about software. Companies are quickly realizing that the hardware it runs on and is trained on is also critical...
Cisco Turns MindMeld Acquisition Into Open Source Conversational AI Platform
Two years ago this week, Cisco acquired conversational AI startup MindMeld for $125 million. Four days ago, it transferred those MindMeld assets...
(Re)Introducing MindMeld: Webex's Open Source Conversational AI Platform
MindMeld is the conversational AI platform that powers Webex Assistant and Cisco's web site search. This week, we released it as an open source framework...
Cisco opens up its MindMeld voice AI platform
Back in 2017, Cisco Systems Inc. shelled out $125 million to acquire MindMeld Inc., an early-stage startup that had created a platform for building voice assistants...
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