Source code for mindmeld.components.client

import copy
import json
import logging
import requests

from .dialogue import DirectiveNames

mod_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ConversationClient: """The conversation object is a very basic MindMeld http client. It can be useful for testing out dialogue flows in python. Example: >>> convo = ConversationClient() >>> convo.say('Hello') ['Hello. I can help you find store hours. How can I help?'] >>> convo.say('Is the store on elm open?') ['The 23 Elm Street Kwik-E-Mart is open from 7:00 to 19:00.'] Attributes: history (list): The sequence of previous turns in the conversation, starting with the most recent message. context (dict): The user context of the conversation. default_params (dict): The default params to use with each turn. These \ defaults will be overridden by params passed for each turn. params (dict): The params returned by the most recent turn. """ _logger = mod_logger.getChild("ConversationClient") def __init__( self, url="http://localhost:7150/parse", default_params=None, ): """ Args: url (str): The url to be used to talk to the query endpoint. context (dict, optional): The context to be used in the conversation. default_params (dict, optional): The default params to use with each turn. These defaults will be overridden by params passed for each turn. """ self.url = url self.form = {} self.history = [] self.frame = {} if default_params is None: default_params = {} self.default_params = default_params self.params = {}
[docs] def say(self, text, params=None, frame=None, form=None): """Send a message in the conversation. The message will be processed by the app based on the current state of the conversation and returns the extracted messages from the directives. Args: text (str): The text of a message. params (dict): The params to use with this message, overriding any defaults which may have been set. frame (dict): The frame to be used with this message, overriding any defaults. form (dict): A form data dictionary Returns: (list): A text representation of the dialogue responses. """ response = self.process(text, params=params, frame=frame, form=form) # handle directives response_texts = [self._follow_directive(a) for a in response["directives"]] return response_texts
[docs] def process(self, text, params=None, frame=None, form=None): """Send a message in the conversation. The message will be processed by the app based on the current state of the conversation and returns the response. Args: text (str): The text of a message. params (dict): The params to use with this message, overriding any defaults which may have been set. frame (dict): The frame to be used with this message, overriding any defaults. context (dict): The context to be used with this message, overriding any defaults. form (dict): A form data dictionary Returns: (dict): The dictionary response. """ internal_params = copy.deepcopy(self.params) if params: for k, v in params.items(): internal_params[k] = v internal_frame = copy.deepcopy(self.frame) if frame: for k, v in frame.items(): internal_frame[k] = v internal_form = copy.deepcopy(self.form) if form: for k, v in form.items(): internal_form[k] = v response = url=self.url, json={ "text": text, "history": self.history, "form": internal_form, "frame": internal_frame, "params": internal_params, }, ).json() self.history = response["history"] self.frame = response["frame"] self.params = response["params"] return response
def _follow_directive(self, directive): msg = "" try: directive_name = directive["name"] if directive_name in [DirectiveNames.REPLY, DirectiveNames.SPEAK]: msg = directive["payload"]["text"] elif directive_name == DirectiveNames.SUGGESTIONS: suggestions = directive["payload"] if not suggestions: raise ValueError msg = "Suggestion{}:".format("" if len(suggestions) == 1 else "s") texts = [] for idx, suggestion in enumerate(suggestions): if idx > 0: msg += ", {!r}" else: msg += " {!r}" texts.append(self._generate_suggestion_text(suggestion)) msg = msg.format(*texts) elif directive_name == DirectiveNames.LIST: msg = "\n".join( [ json.dumps(item, indent=4, sort_keys=True) for item in directive["payload"] ] ) elif directive_name == DirectiveNames.LISTEN: msg = "Listening..." elif directive_name == DirectiveNames.RESET: msg = "Resetting..." self.reset() except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError): msg = "Unsupported response: {!r}".format(directive) self._logger.warning(msg) return msg @staticmethod def _generate_suggestion_text(suggestion): pieces = [] if "text" in suggestion: pieces.append(suggestion["text"]) if suggestion["type"] != "text": pieces.append("({})".format(suggestion["type"])) return " ".join(pieces)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset the history, frame and params of the Conversation object.""" self.history = [] self.frame = {} self.params = {} self.form = {}