Source code for mindmeld.components.nlp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains the natural language processor.
import datetime
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, wait
from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from tqdm import tqdm

from ._config import (
from ._util import TreeNlp, MaskState
from .domain_classifier import DomainClassifier
from .entity_recognizer import EntityRecognizer
from .entity_resolver import EntityResolverFactory
from .intent_classifier import IntentClassifier
from .parser import Parser
from .role_classifier import RoleClassifier
from .schemas import validate_locale_code_with_ref_language_code, _validate_mask_nlp
from .. import path
from ..constants import SYSTEM_ENTITY_PREFIX
from ..core import Bunch, ProcessedQuery, QueryEntity, Entity, NestedEntity
from ..exceptions import (
from ..markup import TIME_FORMAT, process_markup
from ..models.helpers import get_ngrams_upto_n, GAZETTEER_RSC
from ..path import get_app
from ..query_factory import QueryFactory
from ..resource_loader import ResourceLoader
from ..system_entity_recognizer import SystemEntityRecognizer

# ignore sklearn DeprecationWarning,
warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)

default_num_workers = 0
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
    default_num_workers = cpu_count() + 1

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
num_workers = int(os.environ.get("MM_SUBPROCESS_COUNT", default_num_workers))
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) if num_workers > 0 else None

[docs]def restart_subprocesses(): """Restarts the process pool executor""" global executor # pylint: disable=global-statement executor.shutdown(wait=False) executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers)
[docs]def subproc_call_instance_function(instance_id, func_name, *args, **kwargs): """ A module function used as a trampoline to call an instance function from within a long running child process. Args: instance_id (number): id(inst) of the Processor instance that needs called Returns: The result of the called function """ try: instance = Processor.instance_map[instance_id] return getattr(instance, func_name)(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # This subprocess does not have the requested instance. Shut down and # it will be recreated by the parent process with updated instances. sys.exit(1)
[docs]class Processor(ABC): """A generic base class for processing queries through the MindMeld NLP components. Attributes: resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the processor. dirty (bool): Indicates whether the processor has unsaved changes to its models. ready (bool): Indicates whether the processor is ready to process messages. """ instance_map = WeakValueDictionary() """The map of identity to instance.""" def __init__(self, app_path, resource_loader=None, config=None): """Initializes a processor Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the processor config (dict): A config object with processor settings (e.g. if to use n-best inference) """ self._app_path = app_path self.resource_loader = resource_loader or ResourceLoader.create_resource_loader( app_path ) self.language, self.locale = get_language_config(app_path) self._children = Bunch() self.ready = False self.dirty = False = None self._incremental_timestamp = None self.config = get_nlp_config(app_path, config) Processor.instance_map[id(self)] = self
[docs] def build(self, incremental=False, label_set=None): """Builds all the natural language processing models for this processor and its children. Args: incremental (bool, optional): When ``True``, only build models whose training data or configuration has changed since the last build. Defaults to ``False``. label_set (string, optional): The label set from which to train all classifiers. """ self._build_recursive(incremental=incremental, label_set=label_set) self.load()
def _build_recursive(self, incremental=False, label_set=None): """Builds all the natural language processing models for this processor and its children. Args: incremental (bool, optional): When ``True``, only build models whose training data or configuration has changed since the last build. Defaults to ``False``. label_set (string, optional): The label set from which to train all classifiers. """ self._build(incremental=incremental, label_set=label_set, load_cached=False) # We dump and unload the model to reduce memory consumption while training if self.ready: self._dump() self.unload() for child in self._children.values(): # We pass the incremental_timestamp to children processors child.incremental_timestamp = self.incremental_timestamp child._build_recursive(incremental=incremental, label_set=label_set) @property def incremental_timestamp(self): """The incremental timestamp of this processor (str).""" return self._incremental_timestamp @incremental_timestamp.setter def incremental_timestamp(self, ts): self._incremental_timestamp = ts @abstractmethod def _build(self, incremental=False, label_set=None, load_cached=True): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def dump(self): """Saves all the natural language processing models for this processor and its children to disk.""" self._dump() for child in self._children.values(): child.dump() self.dirty = False
@abstractmethod def _dump(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def unload(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def load(self, incremental_timestamp=None): """Loads all the natural language processing models for this processor and its children from disk. Args: incremental_timestamp (str, optional): The incremental timestamp value. """ self._load(incremental_timestamp=incremental_timestamp) for child in self._children.values(): child.load(incremental_timestamp=incremental_timestamp) self.ready = True self.dirty = False
@abstractmethod def _load(self, incremental_timestamp=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def evaluate(self, print_stats=False, label_set=None): """Evaluates all the natural language processing models for this processor and its children. Args: print_stats (bool): If true, prints the full stats table. Otherwise prints just the accuracy label_set (str, optional): The label set from which to evaluate all classifiers. """ self._evaluate(print_stats, label_set) for child in self._children.values(): child.evaluate(print_stats, label_set=label_set)
@abstractmethod def _evaluate(self, print_stats, label_set="test"): raise NotImplementedError def _check_ready(self): if not self.ready: raise ProcessorError( "Processor not ready, models must be built or loaded first." )
[docs] def process( self, query_text, allowed_nlp_classes=None, locale=None, language=None, time_zone=None, timestamp=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False, ): """Processes the given query using the full hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this application. Args: query_text (str, tuple): The raw user text input, or a list of the n-best query \ transcripts from ASR. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. locale (str, optional): The locale representing the ISO 639-1 language code and \ ISO3166 alpha 2 country code separated by an underscore character. language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. This parameter is deprecated deprecated this is an application level parameter. time_zone (str, optional): The name of an IANA time zone, such as \ 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'Asia/Kolkata' \ See the [tz database]( for more information. timestamp (long, optional): A unix time stamp for the request (in seconds). dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class probabilities along with class \ prediction. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the full hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input \ query. """ # TODO: Deprecate language argument del language query = self.create_query( query_text, language=self.language, locale=locale, time_zone=time_zone, timestamp=timestamp, ) return self.process_query( query, allowed_nlp_classes, dynamic_resource, verbose ).to_dict()
[docs] def process_query( self, query, allowed_nlp_classes=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False ): """Processes the given query using the full hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this application. Args: query (Query, tuple): The user input query, or a list of the n-best transcripts \ query objects. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference \ verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class probabilities along with class \ prediction. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the full hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input \ query. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _process_list(self, items, func, *args, **kwargs): """Processes a list of items in parallel if possible using the executor. Args: items (list): Items to process. func (str): Function name to call for processing. Returns: (tuple): Results of the processing. """ if executor: try: results = list(items) future_to_idx_map = {} for idx, item in enumerate(items): future = executor.submit( subproc_call_instance_function, id(self), func, item, *args, **kwargs ) future_to_idx_map[future] = idx tasks = wait(future_to_idx_map, timeout=SUBPROCESS_WAIT_TIME) if tasks.not_done: raise Exception() for future in tasks.done: item = future.result() item_idx = future_to_idx_map[future] results[item_idx] = item return tuple(results) except (Exception, SystemExit): # pylint: disable=broad-except # process pool is broken, restart it and process current request in series restart_subprocesses() # process the list in series return tuple([getattr(self, func)(itm, *args, **kwargs) for itm in items])
[docs] def create_query( self, query_text, locale=None, language=None, time_zone=None, timestamp=None ): """Creates a query with the given text. Args: query_text (str, list[str]): Text or list of texts to create a query object for. locale (str, optional): The locale representing the ISO 639-1 language code and \ ISO3166 alpha 2 country code separated by an underscore character. language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. time_zone (str, optional): The name of an IANA time zone, such as 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'Asia/Kolkata' See the [tz database]( for more information. timestamp (long, optional): A unix time stamp for the request (in seconds). Returns: (Query): A newly constructed query or tuple of queries. """ if not query_text: query_text = "" if isinstance(query_text, (list, tuple)): return self._process_list( query_text, "create_query", locale=locale, language=language, time_zone=time_zone, timestamp=timestamp, ) return self.resource_loader.query_factory.create_query( query_text, language=language, locale=locale, time_zone=time_zone, timestamp=timestamp, )
def __repr__(self): msg = "<{} {!r} ready: {!r}, dirty: {!r}>" return msg.format(self.__class__.__name__,, self.ready, self.dirty)
[docs]class NaturalLanguageProcessor(Processor): """The natural language processor is the MindMeld component responsible for understanding the user input using a hierarchy of natural language processing models. Attributes: domain_classifier (DomainClassifier): The domain classifier for this application. """ def __init__(self, app_path, resource_loader=None, config=None, progress_bar=None): """Initializes a natural language processor object Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the processor config (dict): A config object with processor settings (e.g. if to use n-best transcripts) progress_bar (tqdm object): A tqdm object or an object inherited from tqdm to track training progress """ super().__init__(app_path, resource_loader, config) self._app_path = app_path # initialize the system entity recognizer singleton SystemEntityRecognizer.set_system_entity_recognizer(app_path=app_path) self._system_entity_recognizer = SystemEntityRecognizer.get_instance() = app_path self._load_custom_features() self.domain_classifier = DomainClassifier(self.resource_loader) self.progress_bar = progress_bar # TODO: Move setting self._children to .build() & .load() methods. Same as IntentProcessor, # the setting in .load() should be from a pickled metadata file instead of using os.walk() for domain in path.get_domains(self._app_path): if domain in self._children: continue self._children[domain] = DomainProcessor( app_path, domain, self.resource_loader, self.progress_bar ) nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes = self.config.get( "resolve_entities_using_nbest_transcripts", {} ) if len(nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes) > 0: try: nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes = self.extract_nlp_masked_components_list( nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes ) except AllowedNlpClassesKeyError as e: # We catch and fail open here since this uncaught exception can fail the API call logger.error("Caught exception %s when extracting nlp " "components from the resolve_entities_using_nbest_transcripts " "field", e.message) nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes = {} for domain in nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes: for intent in nbest_transcripts_nlp_classes[domain]:[domain].intents[ intent ].nbest_transcripts_enabled = True def _load_custom_features(self): # Load so nlp object recognizes custom features in python console try: get_app(self._app_path) except MindMeldImportError: pass @property def domains(self): """The domains supported by this application.""" return self._children def _build(self, incremental=False, label_set=None, load_cached=True): # reset display for the progress bar. This is important for repeated use of the # progress bar if isinstance(self.progress_bar, tqdm): self.progress_bar.reset() if incremental: # During an incremental build, we set the incremental_timestamp for caching current_ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time.time())).strftime( TIME_FORMAT ) self.incremental_timestamp = current_ts if len( == 1: return self.ready = label_set=label_set, incremental_timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp, load_cached=load_cached ) def _dump(self): if len( == 1: return model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_domain_model_paths( app_path=self._app_path, timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp ) self.domain_classifier.dump(model_path, incremental_model_path)
[docs] def unload(self): self.ready = False self.domain_classifier.unload()
def _load(self, incremental_timestamp=None): if len( == 1: return model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_domain_model_paths( app_path=self._app_path, timestamp=incremental_timestamp ) incremental_model_path_exist = os.path.exists( incremental_model_path) if incremental_model_path is not None else False self.domain_classifier.load( incremental_model_path if incremental_model_path_exist else model_path ) def _evaluate(self, print_stats, label_set=None): if len( > 1: domain_eval = self.domain_classifier.evaluate(label_set=label_set) if domain_eval: print( "Domain classification accuracy: {}".format( domain_eval.get_accuracy() ) ) if print_stats: domain_eval.print_stats() else:"Skipping domain classifier evaluation") def _process_domain( self, query, allowed_nlp_classes=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False ): domain_proba = None if len( > 1: if not allowed_nlp_classes: if verbose: # predict_proba() returns sorted list of tuples # ie, [(<class1>, <confidence>), (<class2>, <confidence>),...] domain_proba = self.domain_classifier.predict_proba( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) # Since domain_proba is sorted by class with highest confidence, # get that as the predicted class return domain_proba[0][0], domain_proba else: domain = self.domain_classifier.predict( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) return domain, None else: if len(allowed_nlp_classes) == 1: domain = list(allowed_nlp_classes.keys())[0] if verbose: domain_proba = [(domain, 1.0)] return domain, domain_proba else: sorted_domains = self.domain_classifier.predict_proba( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) if verbose: domain_proba = sorted_domains for ordered_domain, _ in sorted_domains: if ordered_domain in allowed_nlp_classes.keys(): return ordered_domain, domain_proba raise AllowedNlpClassesKeyError( "Could not find user inputted domain in NLP hierarchy" ) else: domain = list([0] if verbose: domain_proba = [(domain, 1.0)] return domain, domain_proba
[docs] def process_query( self, query, allowed_nlp_classes=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False ): """Processes the given query using the full hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this application. Args: query (Query, tuple): The user input query, or a list of the n-best transcripts \ query objects. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. If \ ``allowed_nlp_classes`` is ``None``, we just use the normal model predict \ functionality. dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class probabilities along with class \ prediction. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the full hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input \ query. """ self._check_ready() if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): top_query = query[0] else: top_query = query domain, domain_proba = self._process_domain( top_query, allowed_nlp_classes=allowed_nlp_classes, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose, ) allowed_intents = ( allowed_nlp_classes.get(domain) if allowed_nlp_classes else None ) processed_query =[domain].process_query( query, allowed_intents, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose ) processed_query.domain = domain if domain_proba: domain_scores = dict(domain_proba) scores = processed_query.confidence or {} scores["domains"] = domain_scores processed_query.confidence = scores return processed_query
[docs] def extract_nlp_masked_components_list(self, allow_nlp_components_list=None, deny_nlp_components_list=None): """This function validates a user inputted list of allowed nlp components against the NLP hierarchy and construct a hierarchy dictionary as follows: ``{domain: {intent: {}}`` if the validation of list of allowed nlp components has passed. Args: allow_nlp_components_list (list): A list of allow NLP components in the format "domain.intent.entity.role". deny_nlp_components_list (list): A list of deny NLP components in the format "domain.intent.entity.role". Returns: (dict): A dictionary of NLP hierarchy. """ # If no allowed nlp component list is provided, we default to allowing # ALL nlp components allow_nlp_components_list = allow_nlp_components_list or list( deny_nlp_components_list = deny_nlp_components_list or [] nlp_tree = TreeNlp(self, MaskState.unset) allow_nlp_components_list, deny_nlp_components_list = _validate_mask_nlp( self, allow_nlp_components_list, deny_nlp_components_list) user_defined_masks = [[allow_nlp_components_list, MaskState.allow], [deny_nlp_components_list, MaskState.deny]] for user_defined_mask, action in user_defined_masks: for nlp_components in user_defined_mask: nlp_entries = [None, None, None, None] entries = nlp_components.split(".")[:len(nlp_entries)] for idx, entry in enumerate(entries): nlp_entries[idx] = entry domain, intent, entity, role = nlp_entries nlp_tree.update(action, domain, intent, entity, role) allow_nlp_components = nlp_tree.to_dict() if not allow_nlp_components: raise UnconstrainedMaskError( f"Since {deny_nlp_components_list} masks more " f"NLP components than {allow_nlp_components_list} " "allows, we unmask all NLP components") return allow_nlp_components
[docs] @staticmethod def print_inspect_stats(stats): """ Prints formatted output matrix """ s = [[str(e) for e in row] for row in stats] lens = [max(map(len, col)) for col in zip(*s)] fmt = "\t".join("{{:{}}}".format(x) for x in lens) table = [fmt.format(*row) for row in s] print("\n".join(table)) print()
[docs] def inspect(self, markup, domain=None, intent=None, dynamic_resource=None): """Inspect the marked up query and print the table of features and weights. Args: markup (str): The marked up query string. domain (str): The gold value for domain classification. intent (str): The gold value for intent classification. dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. """ if self.resource_loader: _, query, _ = process_markup( markup, self.resource_loader.query_factory, query_options={} ) else: query_factory = QueryFactory.create_query_factory(self._app_path) _, query, _ = process_markup(markup, query_factory, query_options={}) if domain: print("Inspecting domain classification") domain_inspection = self.domain_classifier.inspect( query, domain=domain, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) self.print_inspect_stats(domain_inspection) if intent: print("Inspecting intent classification") domain, _ = self._process_domain(query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource) intent_inspection =[domain].inspect( query, intent=intent, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) self.print_inspect_stats(intent_inspection)
[docs] def process( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, query_text, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ allowed_nlp_classes=None, allowed_intents=None, allow_nlp=None, deny_nlp=None, locale=None, language=None, time_zone=None, timestamp=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False, ): """Processes the given query using the full hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this application. Args: query_text (str, tuple): The raw user text input, or a list of the n-best query \ transcripts from ASR. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. allowed_intents (list, optional): A list of allowed intents to use for \ the NLP processing. allow_nlp (list, optional): A list of allow NLP components to use for \ the NLP processing. deny_nlp (list, optional): A list of denied NLP components to use for \ the NLP processing. locale (str, optional): The locale representing the ISO 639-1 language code and ISO3166 alpha 2 country code separated by an underscore character. language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. This parameter is ignored deprecated this is an application level parameter. time_zone (str, optional): The name of an IANA time zone, such as \ 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'Asia/Kolkata' \ See the [tz database]( for more information. timestamp (long, optional): A unix time stamp for the request (in seconds). dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class probabilities along with class \ prediction. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the full hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input \ query. """ # TODO: Deprecate language argument del language if allowed_intents is not None and allowed_nlp_classes is not None: raise TypeError( "'allowed_intents' and 'allowed_nlp_classes' cannot be used together" ) if (allow_nlp or deny_nlp) is not None and allowed_nlp_classes is not None: raise TypeError( "'allow_nlp/deny_nlp' and 'allowed_nlp_classes' cannot be used together" ) if allowed_intents and (allow_nlp or deny_nlp): raise TypeError( "'allowed_intents' and 'allow_nlp/deny_nlp' cannot be used together" ) allow_nlp = allowed_intents if allowed_intents else allow_nlp if allow_nlp or deny_nlp: try: allowed_nlp_classes = self.extract_nlp_masked_components_list(allow_nlp, deny_nlp) except (AllowedNlpClassesKeyError, UnconstrainedMaskError, InvalidMaskError) as e: # We catch and fail open here since this uncaught exception can fail the API call logger.error("Caught exception %s when extracting nlp components from the " "allow/deny nlp field", e.message) allowed_nlp_classes = {} return super().process( query_text, allowed_nlp_classes=allowed_nlp_classes, time_zone=time_zone, locale=validate_locale_code_with_ref_language_code( locale or self.locale, self.language), timestamp=timestamp, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose, )
[docs]class DomainProcessor(Processor): """The domain processor houses the hierarchy of domain-specific natural language processing models required for understanding the user input for a particular domain. Attributes: name (str): The name of the domain. intent_classifier (IntentClassifier): The intent classifier for this domain. """ @property def intents(self): """The intents supported within this domain (dict).""" return self._children def __init__(self, app_path, domain, resource_loader=None, progress_bar=None): """Initializes a domain processor object Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data domain (str): The name of the domain resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the processor progress_bar (tqdm object): A tqdm object or an object with the tqdm interface to track training progress """ super().__init__(app_path, resource_loader) = domain self.intent_classifier = IntentClassifier(self.resource_loader, domain) # TODO: Move setting self._children to .build() & .load() methods. Same as IntentProcessor, # the setting in .load() should be from a pickled metadata file instead of using os.walk() intents = path.get_intents(app_path, domain) # If there is only one intent in the domain, the classifier would not run # hence we only account for classifiers were there are two or more intents self.progress_bar = progress_bar if len(intents) > 1 and self.progress_bar is not None: += 1 for intent in intents: if intent in self._children: continue self._children[intent] = IntentProcessor( app_path, domain, intent, self.resource_loader, progress_bar ) def _build(self, incremental=False, label_set=None, load_cached=True): if len(self.intents) == 1: return # train intent model self.ready = label_set=label_set, incremental_timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp, load_cached=load_cached ) if len(self._children) > 1 and self.progress_bar is not None: self.progress_bar.update(1) self.progress_bar.refresh() def _dump(self): if len(self.intents) == 1: return model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_intent_model_paths( self._app_path,, timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp ) self.intent_classifier.dump( model_path, incremental_model_path=incremental_model_path )
[docs] def unload(self): self.ready = False self.intent_classifier.unload()
def _load(self, incremental_timestamp=None): if len(self.intents) == 1: return model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_intent_model_paths( app_path=self._app_path,, timestamp=incremental_timestamp ) incremental_model_path_exist = os.path.exists( incremental_model_path) if incremental_model_path is not None else False self.intent_classifier.load( incremental_model_path if incremental_model_path_exist else model_path ) def _evaluate(self, print_stats, label_set="test"): if len(self.intents) > 1: intent_eval = self.intent_classifier.evaluate(label_set=label_set) if intent_eval: print( "Intent classification accuracy for the '{}' domain: {}".format(, intent_eval.get_accuracy() ) ) if print_stats: intent_eval.print_stats() else: "Skipping intent classifier evaluation for the '%s' domain",, )
[docs] def process( self, query_text, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ allowed_nlp_classes=None, locale=None, language=None, time_zone=None, timestamp=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False, ): """Processes the given input text using the hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this domain. Args: query_text (str, or list/tuple): The raw user text input, or a list of the n-best \ query transcripts from ASR. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the intent section of the \ NLP hierarchy that is selected for NLP analysis. An example: \ { \ close_door: {} \ } \ where close_door is the intent. The intent belongs to the smart_home domain. \ If allowed_nlp_classes is None, we use the normal model predict functionality. locale (str, optional): The locale representing the ISO 639-1 language code and \ ISO3166 alpha 2 country code separated by an underscore character. language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. time_zone (str, optional): The name of an IANA time zone, such as \ 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'Asia/Kolkata' \ See the [tz database]( for more information. timestamp (long, optional): A unix time stamp for the request (in seconds). dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class probabilities along with class \ prediction. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input text. """ # TODO: Deprecate language argument del language query = self.create_query( query_text, time_zone=time_zone, timestamp=timestamp, language=self.language, locale=validate_locale_code_with_ref_language_code( locale or self.locale, self.language), ) processed_query = self.process_query( query, allowed_nlp_classes=allowed_nlp_classes, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose, ) processed_query.domain = return processed_query.to_dict()
[docs] def process_query( self, query, allowed_nlp_classes=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False ): """Processes the given query using the full hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this application. Args: query (Query, or tuple): The user input query, or a list of the n-best transcripts \ query objects. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the intent section of the \ NLP hierarchy that is selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'close_door': {}}`` where close_door is the intent. The intent belongs to the smart_home domain. \ If allowed_nlp_classes is None, we use the normal model predict functionality. dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class probabilities along with class \ prediction. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the full hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input \ query. """ self._check_ready() if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): top_query = query[0] else: top_query = query intent_proba = None if len(self.intents) > 1: # Check if the user has specified allowed intents if not allowed_nlp_classes: if verbose: intent_proba = self.intent_classifier.predict_proba( top_query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) intent = intent_proba[0][0] else: intent = self.intent_classifier.predict( top_query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) else: if len(allowed_nlp_classes) == 1: intent = list(allowed_nlp_classes.keys())[0] if verbose: intent_proba = [(intent, 1.0)] else: sorted_intents = self.intent_classifier.predict_proba( top_query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) intent = None if verbose: intent_proba = sorted_intents for ordered_intent, _ in sorted_intents: if ordered_intent in allowed_nlp_classes.keys(): intent = ordered_intent break if not intent: raise AllowedNlpClassesKeyError( "Could not find user inputted intent in NLP hierarchy" ) else: intent = list(self.intents.keys())[0] if verbose: intent_proba = [(intent, 1.0)] if allowed_nlp_classes and intent in allowed_nlp_classes: allowed_nlp_classes = allowed_nlp_classes[intent] else: allowed_nlp_classes = None processed_query = self.intents[intent].process_query( query, allowed_nlp_classes=allowed_nlp_classes, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose ) processed_query.intent = intent if intent_proba: intent_scores = dict(intent_proba) scores = processed_query.confidence or {} scores["intents"] = intent_scores processed_query.confidence = scores return processed_query
[docs] def inspect(self, query, intent=None, dynamic_resource=None): """Inspects the query. Args: query (Query): The query to be predicted. intent (str): The expected intent label for this query. dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. Returns: (list of lists): 2D list that includes every feature, their value, weight and \ probability """ return self.intent_classifier.inspect( query, intent=intent, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource )
[docs]class IntentProcessor(Processor): """The intent processor houses the hierarchy of intent-specific natural language processing models required for understanding the user input for a particular intent. Attributes: domain (str): The domain this intent belongs to. name (str): The name of this intent. entity_recognizer (EntityRecognizer): The entity recognizer for this intent. """ def __init__( self, app_path, domain, intent, resource_loader=None, progress_bar=None ): """Initializes an intent processor object Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data. domain (str): The domain this intent belongs to. intent (str): The name of this intent. resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the processor. progress_bar (tqdm object): A tqdm object or an object with the tqdm interface to track training progress """ super().__init__(app_path, resource_loader) self.domain = domain = intent self.entity_recognizer = EntityRecognizer(self.resource_loader, domain, intent) self.progress_bar = progress_bar if isinstance(self.progress_bar, tqdm): += 1 try: self.parser = Parser(self.resource_loader, domain=domain, intent=intent) except FileNotFoundError: # Unable to load parser config -> no parser self.parser = None self._nbest_transcripts_enabled = False @property def entities(self): """The entity types associated with this intent (list).""" return self._children @property def nbest_transcripts_enabled(self): """Whether or not to run processing on the n-best transcripts for this intent (bool).""" return self._nbest_transcripts_enabled @nbest_transcripts_enabled.setter def nbest_transcripts_enabled(self, value): self._nbest_transcripts_enabled = value
[docs] def get_entity_processors(self, label_set=None): # Create the entity processors _processors = Bunch() entity_types = self.entity_recognizer.get_entity_types(label_set=label_set) for entity_type in entity_types: if entity_type in _processors: continue processor = EntityProcessor( self._app_path, self.domain,, entity_type, self.resource_loader, self.progress_bar, ) _processors[entity_type] = processor return _processors
def _build(self, incremental=False, label_set=None, load_cached=True): """Builds the models for this intent""" # Should we call .fit() when there are zero entity_types? # entity_types = self.entity_recognizer.get_entity_types(label_set=label_set) # # During model building, when len(domains)==1 or len(intents)==1 in NaturalLanguageProcessor # and DomainProcessor respectively, the self.ready flag is unchanged and remains 'False'. # This doesn't trigger the ._dump() and .unload() abstract methods in the # ._build_recursive() method, and subsequently, the .load() method in .build() method takes # care of loading a NoneType model. However, in case of entity recognizers, the _dump method # must be called to save metadata information which is later used to ascertain if there were # any entity_types or not. Hence, the self.ready flag must be modified to True by calling # .fit() in case of building entity recognizer. # Edge-case: # When incremental build is initiated and when the self.ready flag is obtained as output of # method, the _dump() method mustn't be called if there are no # new changes to data/config. So to enable this edge case flag, we do not check for # `if len(entity_types) == 0` and instead rely on the output of the fit() method. The fit() # method returns a True only if there were changes to hash value (so need to call _dump()) # or when load_cached=True, else it returns a False. # Bug in PR-321: # Due to a check `if len(entity_types) == 0`, the hash value saved at entity.pkl.hash is # empty instead of populating with a hash value, as the hash is never computed. While this # is not a requirement for domain and intent classifiers, it is required in case of # entity recognizers. # train entity recognizer self.ready = label_set=label_set, incremental_timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp, load_cached=load_cached ) if isinstance(self.progress_bar, tqdm): self.progress_bar.update(1) self.progress_bar.refresh() # Create the entity processors for entity_type in self.entity_recognizer.entity_types: if entity_type in self._children: return processor = EntityProcessor( self._app_path, self.domain,, entity_type, self.resource_loader, self.progress_bar, ) self._children[entity_type] = processor def _dump(self): model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_entity_model_paths( self._app_path, self.domain,, timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp ) self.entity_recognizer.dump( model_path, incremental_model_path=incremental_model_path )
[docs] def unload(self): self.ready = False self.entity_recognizer.unload()
def _load(self, incremental_timestamp=None): model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_entity_model_paths( self._app_path, self.domain,, timestamp=incremental_timestamp ) incremental_model_path_exist = os.path.exists( incremental_model_path) if incremental_model_path is not None else False self.entity_recognizer.load( incremental_model_path if incremental_model_path_exist else model_path ) # Create the entity processors for entity_type in self.entity_recognizer.entity_types: if entity_type in self._children: continue processor = EntityProcessor( self._app_path, self.domain,, entity_type, self.resource_loader, self.progress_bar, ) self._children[entity_type] = processor def _evaluate(self, print_stats, label_set="test"): if len(self.entity_recognizer.entity_types) > 0: entity_eval = self.entity_recognizer.evaluate(label_set=label_set) if entity_eval: print( "Entity recognition accuracy for the '{}.{}' intent" ": {}".format(self.domain,, entity_eval.get_accuracy()) ) if print_stats: entity_eval.print_stats() else: "Skipping entity recognizer evaluation for the '%s.%s' intent", self.domain,, )
[docs] def process( self, query_text, allowed_nlp_classes=None, locale=None, language=None, time_zone=None, timestamp=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False, ): """Processes the given input text using the hierarchy of natural language processing models trained for this intent. Args: query_text (str, list, tuple): The raw user text input, or a list of the n-best query transcripts from ASR. locale (str, optional): The locale representing the ISO 639-1 language code and \ ISO3166 alpha 2 country code separated by an underscore character. language (str, optional): Language as specified using a 639-1/2 code. time_zone (str, optional): The name of an IANA time zone, such as 'America/Los_Angeles', or 'Asia/Kolkata' See the [tz database]( for more information. timestamp (long, optional): A unix time stamp for the request (in seconds). dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. verbose (bool, optional): If True, returns class as well as predict probabilities. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input text. """ # TODO: Deprecate language argument del language query = self.create_query( query_text, time_zone=time_zone, timestamp=timestamp, language=self.language, locale=validate_locale_code_with_ref_language_code( locale or self.locale, self.language) ) processed_query = self.process_query(query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, allowed_nlp_classes=allowed_nlp_classes) processed_query.domain = self.domain processed_query.intent = return processed_query.to_dict()
def _recognize_entities(self, query, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False): """Calls the entity recognition component. Args: query (Query, tuple): The user input query, or a list of the n-best transcripts query objects. verbose (bool, optional): If True returns class as well as confidence scores. Returns: (list): A list of lists of the QueryEntity objects for each transcript. """ if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): if self.nbest_transcripts_enabled: nbest_transcripts_entities = self._process_list( query, "_recognize_entities", **{"dynamic_resource": dynamic_resource, "verbose": verbose} ) return nbest_transcripts_entities else: if len(self.entities) == 0: return [()] if verbose: return [ self.entity_recognizer.predict_proba( query[0], dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) ] else: return [ self.entity_recognizer.predict( query[0], dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) ] if len(self.entities) == 0: return () if verbose: return self.entity_recognizer.predict_proba( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) else: return self.entity_recognizer.predict( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource ) def _align_entities(self, entities): """If n-best transcripts is enabled, align the spans across transcripts. In a single query, there may be multiple entities and multiple entities of the same type. Some entities may be misrecognized as another type, entities may fail to be recognized at all, entities may be recognized where one doesn't exist, and the span of entities in different n-best hypotheses may vary due to mistranscriptions of context words. Taking these possibilities into account, we must come up with a method of aligning recognized text spans across the n-best transcripts to group them with the other text spans that are referring to the same entity. Args: entities (list of lists of QueryEntity objects): A list of lists of entity objects, where each list is the recognized entities for the nth query Returns: list (of lists of QueryEntity objects): A list of lists of entity objects, where \ each list is a group of spans that represent the same canonical entity """ # Treat entities and their spans found in the first transcript as global base/reference # across all n transcripts aligned_entities = [[entity] for entity in entities[0]] if len(entities) > 1 and self.nbest_transcripts_enabled: for entities_n in entities[1:]: index_to_align = 0 # keep track of entities to align for entity in entities_n: n_start = entity.span.start n_end = entity.span.end # if span is just one character long, add one to enable some overlap # Eg: '2' if n_start == n_end: n_end += 1 # Start from the entities we haven't found an alignment for. # If we found a match with current entity, we wont align the next one # with something before it for j, ref_entity in enumerate(entities[0][index_to_align:]): ref_start = ref_entity.span.start ref_end = ref_entity.span.end if ref_end == ref_start: ref_end += 1 # if there is an overlap in spans and is of the same type, align it if ( min(n_end, ref_end) - max(ref_start, n_start) > 0 and ref_entity.entity.type == entity.entity.type ): index_to_align = index_to_align + j aligned_entities[index_to_align].append(entity) break return aligned_entities def _classify_and_resolve_entities( self, idx, query, processed_entities, aligned_entities, allowed_nlp_classes, verbose=False ): entity = processed_entities[idx] # Run the role classification if allowed_nlp_classes and entity.entity.type in allowed_nlp_classes: entity_allowed_nlp_classes = allowed_nlp_classes[entity.entity.type] else: entity_allowed_nlp_classes = None entity, role_confidence = self.entities[entity.entity.type].process_entity( query, processed_entities, idx, entity_allowed_nlp_classes, verbose ) # Run the entity resolution entity = self.entities[entity.entity.type].resolve_entity( entity, aligned_entities[idx] ) return [entity, role_confidence] def _process_entities(self, query, entities, aligned_entities, allowed_nlp_classes, verbose=False): """ Args: query (Query, or tuple): The user input query, or a list of the n-best transcripts query objects entities (list of lists of QueryEntity objects): A list of lists of entity objects, where each list is the recognized entities for the nth query aligned_entities (list of lists of QueryEntity): A list of lists of entity objects, where each list is a group of spans that represent the same canonical entity Returns: list (QueryEntity): Returns a list of processed entity objects """ if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): query = query[0] processed_entities = [] for entity in entities[0]: # allowed_nlp_classes is None when user defined masks are not used, in which # case all entities are allowed. However, if user defined masks are used and # the entity is not included, we mask off that entity if allowed_nlp_classes is None or entity.entity.type in allowed_nlp_classes: processed_entities.append(deepcopy(entity)) processed_entities_conf = self._process_list( list(range(len(processed_entities))), "_classify_and_resolve_entities", *[query, processed_entities, aligned_entities, allowed_nlp_classes, verbose] ) if processed_entities_conf: processed_entities, role_confidence = [ list(tup) for tup in zip(*processed_entities_conf) ] else: role_confidence = [] # Run the entity parsing processed_entities = ( self.parser.parse_entities(query, processed_entities) if self.parser else processed_entities ) return processed_entities, role_confidence def _get_pred_entities(self, query, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False): entities = self._recognize_entities( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose ) pred_entities = entities[0] entity_confidence = [] if verbose and len(pred_entities) > 0: for entity, score in pred_entities: entity_confidence.append({entity.entity.type: score}) _pred_entities, _ = zip(*pred_entities) return entity_confidence, [_pred_entities] return entity_confidence, entities
[docs] def process_query(self, query, allowed_nlp_classes=None, dynamic_resource=None, max_ngram_search=3, verbose=False): """Processes the given query using the hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this intent. Args: query (Query, tuple): The user input query, or a list of the n-best transcripts \ query objects. allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference. max_ngram_search (int, optional): The max n-gram number to process the query for search verbose (bool, optional): If ``True``, returns class as well as predict probabilities. Returns: (ProcessedQuery): A processed query object that contains the prediction results from \ applying the hierarchy of natural language processing models to the input query. """ self._check_ready() using_nbest_transcripts = False if isinstance(query, (list, tuple)): if self.nbest_transcripts_enabled: using_nbest_transcripts = True query = tuple(query) else: query = (query,) entity_confidence, nbest_entities = self._get_pred_entities( query, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, verbose=verbose ) allowed_nlp_entity_exists_in_inference = allowed_nlp_classes and all( query_entity.entity.type not in allowed_nlp_classes for entities in nbest_entities for query_entity in entities) if allowed_nlp_entity_exists_in_inference: nbest_entities = self._find_entities_in_text( query, dynamic_resource, allowed_nlp_classes, max_ngram_search) aligned_entities = self._align_entities(nbest_entities) processed_entities, role_confidence = self._process_entities( query, nbest_entities, aligned_entities, allowed_nlp_classes, verbose ) confidence = ( {"entities": entity_confidence, "roles": role_confidence} if verbose else {} ) if using_nbest_transcripts: return ProcessedQuery( query[0], entities=processed_entities, confidence=confidence, nbest_transcripts_queries=query, nbest_transcripts_entities=nbest_entities, nbest_aligned_entities=aligned_entities, ) return ProcessedQuery(query[0], entities=processed_entities, confidence=confidence)
def _find_entities_in_text(self, query, dynamic_resource, allowed_nlp_classes, max_ngram_search): """ This function finds all entities in the query using rule-based matching based on the user provided allowed_nlp_classes dict. There are two matching criterion: 1. gazetteer based matching: We compare query ngrams to the gazetteers 2. duckling based matching: We compare query ngrams to the duckling candidates Since this approach is rule-based, there are bound to be overlapping entity candidates. So we find the largest non-overlapping set of candidates. Args: query (tuple of Query): The n-best queries dynamic_resource (dict): gazetteer resources allowed_nlp_classes (dict, optional): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. max_ngram_search (int): The max ngram value we want to break the input query Returns: list: A list of lists of non-overlapping entities for each n-best transcript """ # This code block implements allowed entities described here: # dynamic_gazetteer = dynamic_resource.get(GAZETTEER_RSC, {}) if dynamic_resource else {} n_best_entities = [[] for _ in range(len(query))] for entity in allowed_nlp_classes: # check if entity is a system entity if entity.startswith(SYSTEM_ENTITY_PREFIX): for idx, n_best_query in enumerate(query): for sys_entity in n_best_query.system_entity_candidates: if sys_entity.entity.type == entity: n_best_entities[idx].append(sys_entity) continue # check if entity is in the gazetteers text_preparation_pipeline = self.resource_loader.query_factory.text_preparation_pipeline consolidated_set = set(self.resource_loader.get_gazetteer(entity)['pop_dict']) consolidated_set = consolidated_set.union( { text_preparation_pipeline.get_normalized_tokens_as_tuples(key) for key in dynamic_gazetteer.get(entity, {}) } ) for idx, n_best_query in enumerate(query): normalized_tokens = n_best_query.normalized_tokens normalized_verbose_tokens = n_best_query.get_verbose_normalized_tokens() for ngram, token_span in get_ngrams_upto_n(normalized_tokens, max_ngram_search): if ngram not in consolidated_set: continue _, raw_ngram, span = n_best_query.get_token_ngram_raw_ngram_span( normalized_verbose_tokens, token_span[0], token_span[1]) entity_val = Entity( text=raw_ngram, entity_type=entity ) query_entity = QueryEntity.from_query( query=n_best_query, span=span, entity=entity_val ) n_best_entities[idx].append(query_entity) return [tuple(NestedEntity.get_largest_non_overlapping_entities( e, lambda candidate: candidate.span)) for e in n_best_entities]
[docs]class EntityProcessor(Processor): """The entity processor houses the hierarchy of entity-specific natural language processing models required for analyzing a specific entity type in the user input. Attributes: domain (str): The domain this entity belongs to. intent (str): The intent this entity belongs to. type (str): The type of this entity. name (str): The type of this entity. role_classifier (RoleClassifier): The role classifier for this entity type. """ def __init__( self, app_path, domain, intent, entity_type, resource_loader=None, progress_bar=None, ): """Initializes an entity processor object Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data. domain (str): The domain this entity belongs to. intent (str): The intent this entity belongs to. entity_type (str): The type of this entity. resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the processor. progress_bar (tqdm object): A tqdm object or an object with the tqdm interface to track training progress """ super().__init__(app_path, resource_loader) self.domain = domain self.intent = intent self.type = entity_type = self.type self.role_classifier = RoleClassifier( self.resource_loader, domain, intent, entity_type ) self.entity_resolver = EntityResolverFactory.create_resolver( app_path, entity_type, resource_loader=self.resource_loader ) self.progress_bar = progress_bar if isinstance(self.progress_bar, tqdm): += 1 @property def ready(self): # either one can trigger a call to dump method in build_resursive() return self._ready_rc or self._ready_er @ready.setter def ready(self, val): self._ready_rc = val self._ready_er = val def _build(self, incremental=False, label_set=None, load_cached=True): """Builds the models for this entity type""" self._ready_rc = label_set=label_set, incremental_timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp, load_cached=load_cached ) self._ready_er = self.entity_resolver.dirty if isinstance(self.progress_bar, tqdm): self.progress_bar.update(1) self.progress_bar.refresh() def _dump(self): if self._ready_rc: model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_role_model_paths( self._app_path, self.domain, self.intent, self.type, timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp, ) self.role_classifier.dump( model_path, incremental_model_path=incremental_model_path ) if self._ready_er: model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_resolver_model_path( self._app_path, self.domain, self.intent, self.type, timestamp=self.incremental_timestamp, ) self.entity_resolver.dump( model_path, incremental_model_path=incremental_model_path )
[docs] def unload(self): self._ready_rc = False self.role_classifier.unload() self._ready_er = False self.entity_resolver.unload()
def _load(self, incremental_timestamp=None): model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_role_model_paths( self._app_path, self.domain, self.intent, self.type, timestamp=incremental_timestamp, ) incremental_model_path_exist = os.path.exists( incremental_model_path) if incremental_model_path is not None else False self.role_classifier.load( incremental_model_path if incremental_model_path_exist else model_path ) model_path, incremental_model_path = path.get_resolver_model_path( self._app_path, self.domain, self.intent, self.type, timestamp=incremental_timestamp, ) incremental_model_path_exist = os.path.exists( incremental_model_path) if incremental_model_path is not None else False try: self.entity_resolver.load( incremental_model_path if incremental_model_path_exist else model_path ) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error(e) msg = "No cached hash (pkl) file found. This can happen if you are trying to load " \ "entity resolvers that were built using mindmeld version <=4.4.0 but trying to " \ "load them using version >4.4.0" msg += "\nConsider doing an incremental build of your nlp hierarchy to not see this " \ "error message again." logger.error(msg) self.entity_resolver.load_deprecated() def _evaluate(self, print_stats, label_set="test"): # evaluation can be done only for role classifier and not for entity resolver if len(self.role_classifier.roles) > 1: role_eval = self.role_classifier.evaluate(label_set=label_set) if role_eval: print( "Role classification accuracy for the '{}.{}.{}' entity type: {}".format( self.domain, self.intent, self.type, role_eval.get_accuracy() ) ) if print_stats: role_eval.print_stats() else: "Skipping role classifier evaluation for the '%s.%s.%s' entity type", self.domain, self.intent, self.type, )
[docs] def process_entity(self, query, entities, entity_index, allowed_nlp_classes, verbose=False): """Processes the given entity using the hierarchy of natural language processing models \ trained for this entity type. Args: query (Query): The query the entity originated from. entities (list): All entities recognized in the query. entity_index (int): The index of the entity to process. allowed_nlp_classes (dict): A dictionary of the NLP hierarchy that is \ selected for NLP analysis. An example: ``{'smart_home': {'close_door': {}}}`` \ where smart_home is the domain and close_door is the intent. verbose (bool): If set to True, returns confidence scores of classes. Returns: (tuple): Tuple containing: \ * ProcessedQuery: A processed query object that contains the prediction results \ from applying the hierarchy of natural language processing models to the \ input entity. * confidence_score: confidence scores returned by classifier. """ self._check_ready() entity = entities[entity_index] confidence_score = None if self.role_classifier.roles: # Only run role classifier if there are roles! if verbose or allowed_nlp_classes: roles = self.role_classifier.predict_proba(query, entities, entity_index) for role in roles: # the role confidences are sorted, so we will always be able to pick # the highest confidence role that matches the allowed_nlp_classes role_type = role[0] if not allowed_nlp_classes: entity.entity.role = role_type break if role_type in allowed_nlp_classes: entity.entity.role = role_type break confidence_score = dict(roles) else: entity.entity.role = self.role_classifier.predict( query, entities, entity_index ) return entity, confidence_score
[docs] def resolve_entity(self, entity, aligned_entity_spans=None): """Does the resolution of a single entity. If aligned_entity_spans is not None, the resolution leverages the n-best transcripts entity spans. Otherwise, it does the resolution on just the text of the entity. Args: entity (QueryEntity): The entity to process. aligned_entity_spans (list[QueryEntity]): The list of aligned n-best entity spans to improve resolution. Returns: (Entity): The entity populated with the resolved values. """ self._check_ready() if aligned_entity_spans: entity_list = [e.entity for e in aligned_entity_spans] else: entity_list = [entity.entity] entity.entity.value = self.entity_resolver.predict(entity_list) return entity
[docs] def process_query( self, query, allowed_nlp_classes=None, dynamic_resource=None, verbose=False ): """Not implemented""" del self del query del allowed_nlp_classes del dynamic_resource del verbose raise NotImplementedError