Source code for mindmeld.components.parser

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# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
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This module contains the language parser component of the MindMeld natural language processor
import logging
import time
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict, namedtuple

from nltk import FeatureChartParser
from nltk.featstruct import Feature
from nltk.grammar import FeatureGrammar

from .. import path
from ..core import Span
from ..exceptions import ParserTimeout
from ._config import get_parser_config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


TYPE_FEATURE = Feature("type", display="prefix")



[docs]class Parser: """ A language parser which is used to extract relations between entities in a given query and group related entities together. The parser uses a context free grammar based on a configuration to generate candidate entity groupings. Heuristics are then used to rank and select a grouping. This rule based parser will be helpful in many situations, but if you have a sufficiently sophisticated entity hierarchy, you may benefit from using a statistical approach. Attributes: config (dict): The parser config. """ def __init__( self, resource_loader=None, config=None, allow_relaxed=True, domain=None, intent=None, ): """Initializes the parser Args: resource_loader (ResourceLoader): An object which can load resources for the parser. config (dict, optional): The configuration for the parser. If none is provided the app config will be loaded. """ if not resource_loader and not config: raise ValueError( "Parser requires either a configuration or a resource loader" ) app_path = resource_loader.app_path if resource_loader else None try: entity_types = path.get_entity_types(app_path) + ["unk"] except TypeError: entity_types = {"unk"} self._resource_loader = resource_loader self.config = get_parser_config(app_path, config, domain, intent) or {} configured_entities = set() for entity_type, entity_config in self.config.items(): configured_entities.add(entity_type) configured_entities.update(entity_config.keys()) self._configured_entities = configured_entities rules = generate_grammar(self.config, entity_types) self._grammar = FeatureGrammar.fromstring(rules) self._parser = FeatureChartParser(self._grammar) if allow_relaxed: relaxed_rules = generate_grammar(self.config, entity_types, relaxed=True) self._relaxed_grammar = FeatureGrammar.fromstring(relaxed_rules) self._relaxed_parser = FeatureChartParser(self._relaxed_grammar) else: self._relaxed_grammar = None self._relaxed_parser = None
[docs] def parse_entities( self, query, entities, all_candidates=False, handle_timeout=True, timeout=MAX_PARSE_TIME, ): """Determines groupings of entities for the given query. Args: query (Query): The query being parsed. entities (list[QueryEntity]): The entities to find groupings for. all_candidates (bool, optional): Whether to return all the entity candidates. handle_timeout (bool, optional): False if an exception should be raised in the event of a parsing times out. Defaults to True. timeout (float, optional): The amount of time to wait for the parsing to complete. By default this is set to MAX_PARSE_TIME. If None is passed, the passing will never time out Returns: (tuple[QueryEntity]): An updated version of the entities collection passed in with \ their parent and children attributes set appropriately. """ if not self._configured_entities: return entities if not handle_timeout: return self._parse( query, entities, all_candidates=all_candidates, timeout=timeout ) try: return self._parse( query, entities, all_candidates=all_candidates, timeout=timeout ) except ParserTimeout: logger.warning("Parser timed out parsing query %r", query.text) return entities
def _parse(self, query, entities, all_candidates, timeout): entity_type_count = defaultdict(int) entity_dict = {} tokens = [] # tokens to be parsed # generate sentential form (assumes entities are sorted) for entity in entities: entity_type = entity.entity.type role_type = entity.entity.role if role_type: # Append role type to entity type with - separator entity_with_role_type = entity_type + "--" + role_type if entity_with_role_type in self._configured_entities: entity_type = entity_with_role_type if entity_type not in self._configured_entities: entity_type = "unk" entity_id = "{}{}".format(entity_type, entity_type_count[entity_type]) entity_type_count[entity_type] += 1 entity_dict[entity_id] = entity tokens.append(entity_id) logger.debug("Parsing sentential form: %r", " ".join(tokens)) start_time = time.time() parses = [] for parse in self._parser.parse(tokens): parses.append(parse) if timeout is not None and (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: raise ParserTimeout("Parsing took too long") if not parses and self._relaxed_parser: for parse in self._relaxed_parser.parse(tokens): parses.append(parse) if timeout is not None and (time.time() - start_time) > MAX_PARSE_TIME: raise ParserTimeout("Parsing took too long") if not parses: if all_candidates: return [] return entities ranked_parses = self._rank_parses( query, entity_dict, parses, timeout, start_time ) if all_candidates: return ranked_parses # if we still have more than one, choose the first entities = self._get_flat_entities(ranked_parses[0], entities, entity_dict) return tuple(sorted(entities, key=lambda e: e.span.start)) def _rank_parses(self, query, entity_dict, parses, timeout, start_time=None): start_time = start_time or time.time() resolved = OrderedDict() for parse in parses: if timeout is not None and time.time() - start_time > timeout: raise ParserTimeout("Parsing took too long") resolved[self._resolve_parse(parse)] = None filtered = (p for p in resolved.keys()) # Prefer parses with fewer groups parses = list(sorted(filtered, key=len)) filtered = (p for p in parses if len(p) <= len(parses[0])) # Prefer parses with minimal distance from dependents to heads parses = list( sorted(filtered, key=lambda p: self._parse_distance(p, query, entity_dict)) ) min_parse_dist = self._parse_distance(parses[0], query, entity_dict) filtered = ( p for p in parses if self._parse_distance(p, query, entity_dict) <= min_parse_dist ) # TODO: apply precedence return list(filtered) def _parse_distance(self, parse, query, entity_dict): total_link_distance = 0 stack = list(parse) while stack: node = stack.pop() head = entity_dict[] for dep in node.dependents or set(): if dep.dependents: stack.append(dep) continue child = entity_dict[] if child.token_span.start > head.token_span.start: intra_entity_span = Span( head.token_span.end, child.token_span.start ) else: intra_entity_span = Span( child.token_span.end, head.token_span.start ) link_distance = 0 for token in intra_entity_span.slice(query.text.split(" ")): if token in self.config[node.type][dep.type]["linking_words"]: link_distance -= 0.5 else: link_distance += 1 total_link_distance += link_distance return total_link_distance @staticmethod def _get_flat_entities(parse, entities, entity_dict): stack = [g.to_query_entity(entity_dict) for g in parse] new_dict = {} while stack: entity = stack.pop() new_dict[(entity.entity.type, entity.span.start)] = entity for child in entity.children or (): stack.append(child) return [new_dict.get((e.entity.type, e.span.start), e) for e in entities] @classmethod def _resolve_parse(cls, node): groups = set() for child in node: child_symbol = child.label()[TYPE_FEATURE] if child_symbol in START_SYMBOLS: groups.update(cls._resolve_parse(child)) else: group = cls._resolve_group(child).freeze() groups.add(group) return frozenset(groups) @classmethod def _resolve_group(cls, node): symbol = node.label()[TYPE_FEATURE] if not symbol[0].isupper(): # this node is a generic entity of type {symbol}, its child is the terminal return _EntityNode(symbol, node[0], None) # if first char is capitalized, this is a group! group_type = symbol.lower() dependents = set() for child in node: child_symbol = child.label()[TYPE_FEATURE] if child_symbol == symbol: # this is the ancestor of this group group = cls._resolve_group(child) elif child_symbol == group_type: # this is the root ancestor of this group group = cls._resolve_group(child) group = _EntityNode(group.type,, set()) else: dependents.add(cls._resolve_group(child).freeze()) group.dependents.update(dependents) return group
class _EntityNode(namedtuple("EntityNode", ("type", "id", "dependents"))): """A private tree data structure used to parse queries EntityNodes use sets and are conditionally hashable. This makes it easy to check the equivalence of parse trees represented as entity nodes. """ def freeze(self): """Converts to a 'frozen' representation that can be hashed""" if self.dependents is None: return self frozen_dependents = frozenset((d.freeze() for d in self.dependents)) return _EntityNode(self.type,, frozen_dependents) def pretty(self, indent=0): """Pretty prints the entity node. Primarily useful for debugging.""" text = (" " * indent) + if not self.dependents: return text return ( text + "\n" + "\n".join(dep.pretty(indent + 1) for dep in self.dependents) ) def to_query_entity(self, entity_dict, is_root=True): """Converts a node to an QueryEntity Args: entity_dict (dict): A mapping from entity ids to the corresponding original QueryEntity objects """ if not self.dependents and not is_root: return entity_dict[] head = entity_dict[] if self.dependents is None: return head dependents = tuple( (c.to_query_entity(entity_dict, is_root=False) for c in self.dependents) ) return head.with_children(dependents) def _build_symbol_template(group, features): """Builds a template for a symbol in a feature CFG. Args: group (str): The group the template is for features (iterable): The names of features which should be included in the template Example: >>> _build_symbol_template('Group', {'feat1', 'feat2'}) "Group[feat1={feat1}, feat2={feat2}]" """ symbol_template = group for feature in features: if symbol_template is group: symbol_template += "[" else: symbol_template += ", " symbol_template += "{0}={{{0}}}".format(feature) if symbol_template is not group: symbol_template += "]" return symbol_template def _generate_dependent_rules(dep_type, config, symbol_template, features, head_types): """Generates the rules for a dependent entity Args: config (dict): A dictionary containing the configuration for this dependent symbol_template (str): A symbol template features (iterable): A list of features for this symbol head_types (set): All symbols which have dependents Yields: str: A rule for the dependent """ # If dependent is a group, its symbol should be capitalized dep_symbol = dep_type.capitalize() if dep_type in head_types else dep_type max_instances = config.get("max_instances") if max_instances is None: # pass through features unchanged lhs = symbol_template.format( **{f: "?" + chr(ord("a") + i) for i, f in enumerate(features)} ) rhs = lhs if config.get("left"): yield "{lhs} -> {dep} {rhs}".format(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, dep=dep_symbol) if config.get("right"): yield "{lhs} -> {rhs} {dep}".format(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, dep=dep_symbol) else: for dep_count in range(max_instances): feature_dict = { f: "?" + chr(ord("a") + i) for i, f in enumerate(features) if f is not dep_type } feature_dict[dep_type] = dep_count rhs = symbol_template.format(**feature_dict) feature_dict[dep_type] = dep_count + 1 lhs = symbol_template.format(**feature_dict) if config.get("left"): yield "{lhs} -> {dep} {rhs}".format(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, dep=dep_symbol) if config.get("right"): yield "{lhs} -> {rhs} {dep}".format(lhs=lhs, rhs=rhs, dep=dep_symbol)
[docs]def generate_grammar(config, entity_types=None, relaxed=False, unique_entities=20): """Generates a feature context free grammar from the provided parser config. Args: config (dict): The parser configuration unique_entities (int, optional): The number of entities of the same type that should be permitted in the same query Returns: str: a string containing the grammar with rules separated by line """ entity_types = set(entity_types or ()) # start rules rules = [ "{} -> {}".format(START_SYMBOL, HEAD_SYMBOL), # The start rule "{0} -> {0} {0}".format(HEAD_SYMBOL), ] # Allow multiple heads # the set of all heads head_types = set(config.keys()) # the set of all dependents dependent_types = set((t for g in config.values() for t in g)) all_types = head_types.union(dependent_types).union(entity_types) for entity in all_types: if entity not in head_types and entity not in dependent_types: # Add entities which are not mentioned in config as standalones rules.append("H -> {}".format(entity)) elif relaxed and entity not in head_types and entity in dependent_types: # Add dependent entities as standalones in relaxed mode rules.append("H -> {}".format(entity)) # create rules for each group for entity in head_types: # the symbol for a group is the capitalized version of the string group = entity.capitalize() rules.append("H -> {}".format(group)) dep_configs = config[entity] # If a dependent has a max number of instances, we will track it as a feature features = [ t for t, d in dep_configs.items() if d.get("max_instances") is not None ] symbol_template = _build_symbol_template(group, features) # basic rule with features initialized to 0 rules.append( "{} -> {}".format( symbol_template.format(**{f: 0 for f in features}), entity ) ) for dep_type, dep_config in dep_configs.items(): rules.extend( _generate_dependent_rules( dep_type, dep_config, symbol_template, features, head_types ) ) for entity in all_types: for idx in range(unique_entities): rules.append("{0} -> '{0}{1}'".format(entity, idx)) return "\n".join(rules)