Source code for mindmeld.models.embedder_models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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This module contains the embedder model class.
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List, Any, Callable

import numpy as np
from tqdm.autonotebook import trange

from ._util import _is_module_available, _get_module_or_attr as _getattr, torch_op
from .helpers import register_embedder
from .taggers.embeddings import WordSequenceEmbedding
from .. import path
from ..core import Bunch
from ..resource_loader import Hasher
from ..text_preparation.text_preparation_pipeline import TextPreparationPipelineFactory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Embedder(ABC): """ Base class for embedder model """
[docs] class EmbeddingsCache: def __init__(self, cache_path=None): """ Args: cache_path: A .pkl cache path to dump the embeddings cache """ self.reset() if cache_path: self.load(self._get_cache_path(cache_path=cache_path))
[docs] def reset(self): = OrderedDict()
[docs] def load(self, cache_path=None): """Loads the cache file.""" cache_path = self._get_cache_path(cache_path) if os.path.exists(cache_path) and os.path.getsize(cache_path) > 0: with open(cache_path, "rb") as fp: data = pickle.load(fp) fp.close() if ( "_texts" in data and "_texts_embeddings" in data and isinstance(data["_texts"], list) ): # new format; = dict(zip(data["_texts"], data["_texts_embeddings"])) elif ( "synonyms" in data and "synonyms_embs" in data and isinstance(data["synonyms"], dict) ): # deprecated format; backwards compatible with ER module code = {key: data["synonyms_embs"][j] for key, j in data["synonyms"]} else: # deprecated format; backwards compatible with QA module code if not isinstance(data, dict): msg = "Unknown data format while loading cache embeddings. " \ "Ignoring loading ..." logger.error(msg) = data
[docs] def clear(self, cache_path=None): """Deletes the cache file.""" cache_path = self._get_cache_path(cache_path) if os.path.exists(cache_path): os.remove(cache_path) msg = f"Embedder cache cleared at {cache_path}"
[docs] def dump(self, cache_path=None): """Dumps the cache to disk.""" cache_path = self._get_cache_path(cache_path) if os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_path), exist_ok=True) data = { "_texts": [*], "_texts_embeddings": np.array([*]) } with open(cache_path, "wb") as fp: pickle.dump(data, fp) fp.close() msg = f"Embedder cache dumped at {cache_path}" else: msg = "No embedding data exists to dump. Ignoring dumping." logger.warning(msg)
[docs] def get(self, text, default=None): return self.__getitem__(text, default)
def _get_cache_path(self, cache_path): if not cache_path: msg = f"Invalid cache path '({cache_path})' provided for {self.__class__.__name__}." raise ValueError(msg) return os.path.abspath(cache_path) def __contains__(self, text): if text in return True return False def __getitem__(self, text, default=None): return, default) def __setitem__(self, text, encoding):[text] = encoding def __delitem__(self, text): try: del[text] except KeyError as e: logger.error(e) pass def __iter__(self): # zip texts and encodings into a dictionary for iteration if return iter( def __len__(self): return len(
def __init__(self, app_path=None, cache_path=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes an embedder. The instantiated embedder model maintains a cache object that has embeddings of inputs observed so far through the .get_encodings() method. This cache can be useful especially if obtaining embeddings for the same text input is costlier in time versus a lookup. Args: app_path (str): Path of the app used to create cache folder to dump encodings cache_path (str): A .pkl path where the embeddings are to be cached. If provided, discards the app_path information. """ # load embedder model self.model = self.load() # obtain a cache path for creating an embedder cache object if cache_path is None: if app_path: deprecated_cache_path = path.get_embedder_cache_file_path( app_path, kwargs.get("embedder_type", "default"), kwargs.get("model_name", "default") ) if ( os.path.exists(deprecated_cache_path) and os.path.getsize(deprecated_cache_path) > 0 ): # deprecated usage: # Determine path from `embedder_type` and `model_name` # Inside a Mindmeld app, this path is generally something like: # '.generated/indexes/{embedder_type}_{model_name}_cache.pkl' cache_path = deprecated_cache_path msg = f"Found a deprecated cache path at '{cache_path}' that contains " \ f"embeddings for a default configuration of embedder models. " \ f"If you wish to use mindmeld version greater than 4.3.4 to work with " \ f"non-default embedder configurations, consider deleting this cache " \ f"path manually and run again." logger.warning(msg) else: # new usage: # Determine cache path for the model using `model_id` # Implies a previously used path name has no data and hence, is safe to change # default cache path for this model (backwards compatibility required only for # loading previously dumped embeddings data). # Cannot use previous path template because `model_name` alone is not # sufficient to uniquely identify a bert model (as it can be configured now). # Inside a Mindmeld app, this path is generally something like: # '.generated/indexes/{model_id}_cache.pkl' cache_path = path.get_embedder_cache_file_path( app_path, self.model_id ) else: msg = f"{self.__class__.__name__} embedder instantiated without a valid cache " \ f"path. This will lead to an error if you try to dump the encodings cache. " \ f"To have a valid cache dump location, pass-in 'app_path' or 'cache_path' " \ f"argument. Alternatively, the `cache_path` can also be passed to the dump " \ f"and load methods directly." # load embedder cache object self.cache_path = cache_path self.cache = Embedder.EmbeddingsCache(self.cache_path) @property def model_id(self): """Returns a unique hash representation of the embedder model based on its name and configs """ msg = "Embedder models need to have model ids to uniquely identify each model " \ "associated with a specific configuration. It can be set through the property " \ "setter 'model_id'. If unspecified, a default value ('default') is used instead." logger.warning(msg) return "default"
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self, **kwargs): """Loads the embedder model Returns: The model object. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def encode(self, text_list): """ Args: text_list (list): A list of text strings for which to generate the embeddings. Returns: (list): A list of numpy arrays of the embeddings. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_encodings(self, text_list, add_to_cache=True) -> List[Any]: """ Fetches the encoded values from the cache, or generates them and adds to cache unless add_to_cache is set to False. This method is wrapped around .encode() by maintaining an embedding cache. Args: text_list (list): A list of text strings for which to get the embeddings. add_to_cache (bool): If True, adds the encodings to self.cache and returns embeddings Returns: (list): A list of numpy arrays with the embeddings. """ uniques_text_list, uniques = [], {} text_list_to_uniques_text_list_map = [] for text in text_list: if text not in uniques: uniques[text] = len(uniques) uniques_text_list.append(text) text_list_to_uniques_text_list_map.append(uniques[text]) encoded = [self.cache.get(text, None) for text in uniques_text_list] cache_miss_indices = [i for i, vec in enumerate(encoded) if vec is None] text_to_encode = [uniques_text_list[i] for i in cache_miss_indices] model_encoded_text = self.encode(text_to_encode) for i, v in enumerate(cache_miss_indices): encoded[v] = model_encoded_text[i] if add_to_cache: self.cache[text_to_encode[i]] = model_encoded_text[i] return [encoded[text_list_to_uniques_text_list_map[i]] for i, text in enumerate(text_list)]
[docs] def add_to_cache(self, mean_or_max_pooled_whitelist_embs): """ Method to add custom embeddings to cache without triggering `.encode()`. Example, one can manually add some max-pooled or mean-pooled embeddings to cache. This method is created to entertain storing superficial text-encoding pairs (superficial because the encodings are not the encodings of the text itself but a combination of encodings of some list of texts from the same embedder model). For example, to add superficial entity embeddings as average of whitelist embeddings in Entity Resolution. Args: mean_or_max_pooled_whitelist_embs (dict): texts and their corresponding superficial embeddings as a 1D numpy array, having same length as emb_dim of the embedder """ for key, value in mean_or_max_pooled_whitelist_embs.items(): value = np.asarray(value).reshape(-1) known_emb_dim = getattr(self, "emb_dim", None) if known_emb_dim and not len(value) == known_emb_dim: msg = f"Expected superficial embedding of length {known_emb_dim} but found " \ f"{len(value)}. Not adding the embedding for {key} to cache." logger.error(msg) if key in self.cache: msg = f"Overwriting a superficial embedding for {key}" logger.warning(msg) self.cache[key] = value
[docs] def dump_cache(self, cache_path=None): self.cache.dump(cache_path=cache_path or self.cache_path)
[docs] def load_cache(self, cache_path=None): self.cache.load(cache_path=cache_path or self.cache_path)
[docs] def clear_cache(self, cache_path=None): self.cache.clear(cache_path=cache_path or self.cache_path)
[docs] def find_similarity( self, src_texts: List[str], tgt_texts: List[str] = None, top_n: int = 20, scores_normalizer: str = None, similarity_function: Callable[[List[Any], List[Any]], np.ndarray] = None, _return_as_dict=False, _no_sort=False ): """Computes the cosine similarity Args: src_texts (Union[str, list]): string or list of strings to obtain matching scores for. tgt_texts (list, optional): list of strings that will be matched to. if None, existing cache is used as target strings top_n (int, optional): maximum number of results to populate. if None, equals length of tgt_texts scores_normalizer (str, optional): normalizer type to normalize scores. Allowed values are: "min_max_scaler", "standard_scaler" similarity_function (function, optional): if None, defaults to `pytorch_cos_sim`. If specified, must take two numpy-array/pytorch-tensor arguments for similarity computation with an optional argument to return results as numpy or tensor _return_as_dict (bool, optional): if the results should be returned as a dictionary of target_text name as keys and scores as corresponding values _no_sort (bool, optional): If True, results are returned without sorting. This is helpful at times when you wish to do additional wrapper operations on top of raw results and would like to save computational time without sorting. Returns: Union[dict, list[tuple]]: if _return_as_dict, returns a dictionary of tgt_texts and their scores, else a list of tuple each consisting of a src_text paired with its similarity scores with all tgt_texts as a np array (sorted list in descending order) """ is_single = False if isinstance(src_texts, str): is_single = True src_texts = [src_texts] tgt_texts = [*] if not tgt_texts else tgt_texts if not tgt_texts: msg = "The list of target texts are empty to compute similarities with the source " \ "text(s). This can happen if the embedder cache is empty due to an unloaded " \ "index or if passing in an empty list of target texts to find similarity with." raise ValueError(msg) top_n = len(tgt_texts) if not top_n else top_n similarity_function = similarity_function or self.pytorch_cos_sim src_vecs = np.asarray(self.get_encodings(list(src_texts), add_to_cache=False)) tgt_vecs = np.asarray(self.get_encodings(list(tgt_texts), add_to_cache=False)) similarity_scores_2d = similarity_function(src_vecs, tgt_vecs) results = [] for similarity_scores in similarity_scores_2d: similarity_scores = similarity_scores.reshape(-1) # Rounding sometimes helps to bring correct answers on to the list of top scored results similarity_scores = np.around(similarity_scores, decimals=2) if scores_normalizer: if scores_normalizer == "min_max_scaler": _min = np.min(similarity_scores) _max = np.max(similarity_scores) denominator = (_max - _min) if (_max - _min) != 0 else 1.0 similarity_scores = (similarity_scores - _min) / denominator elif scores_normalizer == "standard_scaler": _mean = np.mean(similarity_scores) _std = np.std(similarity_scores) denominator = _std if _std else 1.0 similarity_scores = (similarity_scores - _mean) / denominator else: msg = f"Allowed values for `scores_normalizer` are only " \ f"{['min_max_scaler', 'standard_scaler']}. Continuing without " \ f"normalizing similarity scores." logger.error(msg) if _return_as_dict: results.append(dict(zip(tgt_texts, similarity_scores))) else: if not _no_sort: # sort results in descending scores n_scores = len(similarity_scores) if n_scores > top_n: top_inds = similarity_scores.argpartition(n_scores - top_n)[-top_n:] result = sorted( [(tgt_texts[ii], similarity_scores[ii]) for ii in top_inds], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: result = sorted(zip(tgt_texts, similarity_scores), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) results.append(result) else: result = list(zip(tgt_texts, similarity_scores)) results.append(result) if is_single: return results[0] return results
[docs] @staticmethod def pytorch_cos_sim(src_vecs, tgt_vecs, return_tensor=False): """Computes the cosine similarity for 2d matrices Args: src_vecs: a 2d numpy array or pytorch tensor tgt_vecs: a 2d numpy array or pytorch tensor return_tensor: If False, this method returns the cosine similarity as a numpy 2d array instead of tensor, else returns 2d tensor output """ src_vecs = torch_op("as_tensor", src_vecs) tgt_vecs = torch_op("as_tensor", tgt_vecs) if len(src_vecs.shape) == 1: src_vecs = src_vecs.view(1, -1) if len(tgt_vecs.shape) == 1: tgt_vecs = tgt_vecs.view(1, -1) if len(src_vecs.shape) != 2 or len(tgt_vecs.shape) != 2: msg = "Only 2-dimensional arrays/tensors are allowed in Embedder.pytorch_cos_sim()" raise ValueError(msg) # method specific to 2d tensors # [n_src, emb_dim] * [n_tgt, emb_dim] -> [n_src, n_tgt] a_norm = torch_op("normalize", src_vecs, sub="nn.functional", p=2, dim=1) b_norm = torch_op("normalize", tgt_vecs, sub="nn.functional", p=2, dim=1) similarity_scores = torch_op("mm", a_norm, b_norm.transpose(0, 1)) if not return_tensor: return similarity_scores.numpy() return similarity_scores
[docs] @staticmethod def get_hashid(**kwargs): string = json.dumps(kwargs, sort_keys=True) return Hasher(algorithm="sha256").hash(string=string)
# deprecated method, same functionality as 'dump_cache' method
[docs] def dump(self, cache_path=None): msg = f"DeprecationWarning: Use {self.__class__.__name__}.dump_cache() instead of " \ f"{self.__class__.__name__}.dump()" warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) self.dump_cache(cache_path=cache_path)
[docs]class BertEmbedder(Embedder): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ Encoder class for bert models based on """ # Class variable to cache bert models: since pretrained transformer models like BERT are # generally large in size, it is optimal memory-wise if we do not load one model for each # object of this class. This optimization is meaningful only if BERT-like models are used for # inference only and not for fine-tuning CACHE_MODELS = {} def __init__(self, app_path=None, cache_path=None, pretrained_name_or_abspath=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes a BERT based embedder from Huggingface Args: app_path (str): Path of the app used to create cache folder to dump encodings cache_path (str): A .pkl path where the embeddings are to be cached. If provided, discards the app_path information. pretrained_name_or_abspath (str): name of the BERT model from huggingface models repository; arg to be used instead of deprecated arg model_name model_name (str, deprecated): name of the BERT model from huggingface models Optional keyword args that uniquely identify the embeddings of the model: bert_output_type (str): the output of BERT model to use, choices- 'mean', 'cls' quantize_model (str): if True, the BERT model is quantized concat_last_n_layers (int): num of hidden outputs to concat starting from last layer normalize_token_embs (bool): if the (sub-token) embs are to be normalized Optional keyword args that are required for run-time: device (str): Which torch.device to use for the computation batch_size (int): the batch size used for the computation output_value (str): Default sentence_embedding, to get sentence embeddings. Can be set to token_embeddings to get wordpiece token embeddings. Choices are `sentence_embedding` and `token_embedding` convert_to_numpy (bool): If true, the output is a list of numpy vectors. Else, it is a list of pytorch tensors. convert_to_tensor (bool): If true, you get one large tensor as return. Overwrites any setting from convert_to_numpy """ # required libraries check if not _is_module_available("sentence_transformers") or not _is_module_available("torch"): raise ImportError( "Must install the extra [bert] by running `pip install mindmeld[bert]` " "to use the built in bert embedder." ) # deprecated configs keys model_name = kwargs.get("model_name") if model_name: msg = "The argument 'model_name' is deprecated and will be removed in future " \ "versions. Consider replacing it with 'pretrained_name_or_abspath'" warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) if pretrained_name_or_abspath: msg = f"Must pass-in only one of 'pretrained_name_or_abspath' and 'model_name' " \ f"params while instantiating a {self.__class__.__name__} class." raise ValueError(msg) pretrained_name_or_abspath = model_name # configs that uniquely identify the model, used in model_id self.pretrained_name_or_abspath = pretrained_name_or_abspath if not self.pretrained_name_or_abspath: msg = f"A valid 'pretrained_name_or_abspath' param must be passed " \ f"to instantiate {self.__class__.__name__}." raise ValueError(msg) self.bert_output_type = kwargs.get("bert_output_type", "mean") self.quantize_model = kwargs.get("quantize_model", False) self.concat_last_n_layers = kwargs.get("concat_last_n_layers", 1) self.normalize_token_embs = kwargs.get("normalize_token_embs", False) # runtime configs for the embedder model self.device = kwargs.get( "device", "cuda" if torch_op("is_available", sub="cuda") else "cpu" ) self._batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 8) self._output_value = kwargs.get("output_value", 'sentence_embedding') self._convert_to_numpy = kwargs.get("convert_to_numpy", True) self._convert_to_tensor = kwargs.get("convert_to_tensor", False) self._show_progress_bar = ( logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO or logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG ) # unique id for the embedder model based on specified configurations self._model_id = str(self.get_hashid( pretrained_name_or_abspath=self.pretrained_name_or_abspath, bert_output_type=self.bert_output_type, quantize_model=self.quantize_model, concat_last_n_layers=self.concat_last_n_layers, normalize_token_embs=self.normalize_token_embs )) super().__init__(app_path=app_path, cache_path=cache_path, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _batch_to_device(batch, target_device): """ send a pytorch batch to a device (CPU/GPU) """ tensor = _getattr("torch", "Tensor") for key in batch: if isinstance(batch[key], tensor): batch[key] = batch[key].to(target_device) return batch @staticmethod def _num_layers(model): """ Finds the number of layers in a given transformers model """ if hasattr(model, "n_layers"): # eg. xlm num_layers = model.n_layers elif hasattr(model, "layer"): # eg. xlnet num_layers = len(model.layer) elif hasattr(model, "encoder"): # eg. bert num_layers = len(model.encoder.layer) elif hasattr(model, "transformer"): # eg. sentence_transformers models num_layers = len(model.transformer.layer) else: raise ValueError(f"Not supported model {model} to obtain number of layers") return num_layers @staticmethod def _get_sentence_transformers_encoder(name_or_path, output_type="mean", quantize=True, return_components=False): """ Retrieves a sentence-transformer model and returns it along with its transformer and pooling components. Args: name_or_path: name or path to load a huggingface model output_type: type of pooling required quantize: if the model needs to be qunatized or not return_components: if True, returns the Transformer and Poooling components of the sentence-bert model in a Bunch data type, else just returns the sentence-bert model Returns: Union[ sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer, Bunch(sentence_transformers.Transformer, sentence_transformers.Pooling, sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer) ] """ strans_models = _getattr("sentence_transformers.models") strans = _getattr("sentence_transformers", "SentenceTransformer") transformer_model = strans_models.Transformer(name_or_path, model_args={"output_hidden_states": True}) pooling_model = strans_models.Pooling(transformer_model.get_word_embedding_dimension(), pooling_mode_cls_token=output_type == "cls", pooling_mode_max_tokens=False, pooling_mode_mean_tokens=output_type == "mean", pooling_mode_mean_sqrt_len_tokens=False) sbert_model = strans(modules=[transformer_model, pooling_model]) if quantize: if not _is_module_available("torch"): raise ImportError("`torch` library required to quantize models") from None torch_qint8 = _getattr("torch", "qint8") torch_nn_linear = _getattr("torch.nn", "Linear") torch_quantize_dynamic = _getattr("torch.quantization", "quantize_dynamic") transformer_model = torch_quantize_dynamic( transformer_model, {torch_nn_linear}, dtype=torch_qint8 ) if transformer_model else None pooling_model = torch_quantize_dynamic( pooling_model, {torch_nn_linear}, dtype=torch_qint8 ) if pooling_model else None sbert_model = torch_quantize_dynamic( sbert_model, {torch_nn_linear}, dtype=torch_qint8 ) if sbert_model else None if return_components: return Bunch( transformer_model=transformer_model, pooling_model=pooling_model, sbert_model=sbert_model ) return sbert_model def _encode_local(self, sentences, batch_size, show_progress_bar, output_value, convert_to_numpy, convert_to_tensor, device, concat_last_n_layers, normalize_token_embs): """ Computes sentence embeddings (Note: Method largely derived from Sentence Transformers library to improve flexibility in encoding and pooling. Notably, `is_pretokenized` and `num_workers` are ignored due to deprecation in their library, retrieved 23-Feb-2021) """ self.transformer_model = self.model.transformer_model self.pooling_model = self.model.pooling_model if concat_last_n_layers != 1: assert 1 <= concat_last_n_layers <= self._num_layers(self.transformer_model.auto_model) self.transformer_model.eval() if show_progress_bar is None: show_progress_bar = ( logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.INFO or logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG ) if convert_to_tensor: convert_to_numpy = False input_is_string = isinstance(sentences, str) if input_is_string: # Cast an individual sentence to a list with length 1 sentences = [sentences] all_embeddings = [] length_sorted_idx = np.argsort([len(sen) for sen in sentences]) sentences_sorted = [sentences[idx] for idx in length_sorted_idx] for start_index in trange(0, len(sentences), batch_size, desc="Batches", disable=not show_progress_bar): sentences_batch = sentences_sorted[start_index:start_index + batch_size] features = self.transformer_model.tokenize(sentences_batch) features = self._batch_to_device(features, device) with torch_op("no_grad"): out_features_transformer = self.transformer_model.forward(features) token_embeddings = out_features_transformer["token_embeddings"] if concat_last_n_layers > 1: _all_layer_embs = out_features_transformer["all_layer_embeddings"] token_embeddings = torch_op( "cat", _all_layer_embs[-concat_last_n_layers:], dim=-1) if normalize_token_embs: _norm_token_embeddings = torch_op( "norm", token_embeddings, sub="linalg", dim=2, keepdim=True) token_embeddings = token_embeddings.div(_norm_token_embeddings) out_features_transformer.update({"token_embeddings": token_embeddings}) out_features = self.pooling_model.forward(out_features_transformer) embeddings = out_features[output_value] if output_value == 'token_embeddings': # Set token embeddings to 0 for padding tokens input_mask = out_features['attention_mask'] input_mask_expanded = input_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand(embeddings.size()).float() embeddings = embeddings * input_mask_expanded embeddings = embeddings.detach() if convert_to_numpy: embeddings = embeddings.cpu() all_embeddings.extend(embeddings) all_embeddings = [all_embeddings[idx] for idx in np.argsort(length_sorted_idx)] if convert_to_tensor: all_embeddings = torch_op("stack", all_embeddings) elif convert_to_numpy: all_embeddings = np.asarray([emb.numpy() for emb in all_embeddings]) if input_is_string: all_embeddings = all_embeddings[0] return all_embeddings
[docs] def load(self): model = BertEmbedder.CACHE_MODELS.get(self._model_id, None) if not model: info_msg = "" for name in [ self.pretrained_name_or_abspath, f"sentence-transformers/{self.pretrained_name_or_abspath}" ]: try: model = ( self._get_sentence_transformers_encoder(name, output_type=self.bert_output_type, quantize=self.quantize_model, return_components=True) ) info_msg += f"Successfully initialized name/path `{name}` directly through " \ f"huggingface-transformers. " except OSError: info_msg += f"Could not initialize name/path `{name}` directly through " \ f"huggingface-transformers. " if model: break if not model: msg = f"Could not resolve the name/path `{self.pretrained_name_or_abspath}`. " \ f"Please check the model name and retry." raise Exception(msg) BertEmbedder.CACHE_MODELS.update({self._model_id: model}) return model
[docs] def encode(self, phrases): """Encodes input text(s) into embeddings, one vector for each phrase Args: phrases (str, list[str]): textual inputs that are to be encoded using sentence \ transformers' model Returns: (Union[List[Tensor], ndarray, Tensor]): By default, a numpy array is returned. If convert_to_tensor, a stacked tensor is returned. If convert_to_numpy, a numpy matrix is returned. """ if not phrases: return [] show_progress_bar = ( self._show_progress_bar and (len(phrases) if isinstance(phrases, list) else 1) > 1 ) # `False` for first call but might not for the subsequent calls _use_sbert_model = getattr(self, "_use_sbert_model", False) results = None if not _use_sbert_model: try: # this snippet is to reduce dependency on sentence-transformers library # note that currently, the dependency is not fully eliminated due to backwards # compatibility issues in huggingface-transformers between older (python 3.6) # and newer (python >=3.7) versions which needs more conditions to be implemented # in `_encode_local` and hence will be addressed in future work # TODO: eliminate depedency on sentence-transformers library results = self._encode_local(phrases, batch_size=self._batch_size, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, output_value=self._output_value, convert_to_numpy=self._convert_to_numpy, convert_to_tensor=self._convert_to_tensor, device=self.device, concat_last_n_layers=self.concat_last_n_layers, normalize_token_embs=self.normalize_token_embs) setattr(self, "_use_sbert_model", False) except TypeError as e: logger.error(e) if self.concat_last_n_layers != 1 or self.normalize_token_embs: msg = f"{'concat_last_n_layers,' if self.concat_last_n_layers != 1 else ''} " \ f"{'normalize_token_embs' if self.normalize_token_embs else ''} " \ f"ignored as resorting to using encode methods from sentence-transformers" logger.warning(msg) setattr(self, "_use_sbert_model", True) if getattr(self, "_use_sbert_model"): results = self.model.sbert_model.encode(phrases, batch_size=self._batch_size, show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar, output_value=self._output_value, convert_to_numpy=self._convert_to_numpy, convert_to_tensor=self._convert_to_tensor, device=self.device) return results
@property def model_id(self): """Returns a unique hash representation of the embedder model based on its name and configs """ return self._model_id
[docs]class GloveEmbedder(Embedder): """ Encoder class for GloVe embeddings as described here: """ DEFAULT_EMBEDDING_DIM = 300 def __init__(self, app_path=None, cache_path=None, **kwargs): """ Initializes a GloVe embedder. Args: app_path (str): Path of the app used to create cache folder to dump encodings cache_path (str): A .pkl path where the embeddings are to be cached. If provided, discards the app_path information. Optional keyword args that uniquely identify the embeddings of the model: token_embedding_dimension (str): The token dimension of GloVe embedder to load token_pretrained_embedding_filepath (str): The path where GloVe embeddings are available. If its None, an appropriate file will be downloaded to mindmeld/data/ folder and used. """ self.token_embedding_dimension = kwargs.get( "token_embedding_dimension", self.DEFAULT_EMBEDDING_DIM ) self.token_pretrained_embedding_filepath = kwargs.get("token_pretrained_embedding_filepath") # Create a custom pipeline config as the default config for en language eliminates some # punctuations that can be required in tasks such as entity resolution. pipeline_config = { "language": "en", "tokenizer": "WhiteSpaceTokenizer", "preprocessors": [], "normalizers": [], "stemmer": None, "keep_special_chars": True } self.text_preparation_pipeline = ( TextPreparationPipelineFactory.create_text_preparation_pipeline(**pipeline_config) ) # unique id for the embedder model based on specified configurations self._model_id = str(self.get_hashid( token_embedding_dimension=self.token_embedding_dimension, token_pretrained_embedding_filepath=os.path.abspath( self.token_pretrained_embedding_filepath ) if self.token_pretrained_embedding_filepath else "default", )) super().__init__(app_path=app_path, cache_path=cache_path, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self): return WordSequenceEmbedding( 0, self.token_embedding_dimension, self.token_pretrained_embedding_filepath, use_padding=False, )
[docs] def encode(self, text_list): token_list = [self._tokenize(text) for text in text_list] vector_list = [self.model.encode_sequence_of_tokens(tl) for tl in token_list] encoded_vecs = [] for vl in vector_list: if len(vl) == 1: encoded_vecs.append(vl[0]) else: encoded_vecs.append(np.average(vl, axis=0)) return encoded_vecs
def _tokenize(self, text): return [ t["entity"] for t in self.text_preparation_pipeline.tokenize_and_normalize(text) ]
[docs] def dump(self, cache_path=None): """Dumps the cache to disk.""" super().dump(cache_path=cache_path) self.model.save_embeddings()
@property def model_id(self): """Returns a unique hash representation of the embedder model based on its name and configs """ return self._model_id
if _is_module_available("sentence_transformers"): register_embedder("bert", BertEmbedder) register_embedder("glove", GloveEmbedder)