Source code for mindmeld.models.nn_utils.helpers

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Default params used by various sequence and token classification classes

import enum
import logging
import os

from .._util import _get_module_or_attr
from ...core import Bunch

    is_cuda_available = _get_module_or_attr("torch.cuda", "is_available")()
except ImportError:
    is_cuda_available = False

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BatchData(Bunch): """ A dictionary-like object that exposes its keys as attributes and holds various inputs as well as outputs of neural models related to a batch of data, such as tensor encodings, lengths of inputs etc. Following is the description of the different keys that serve as inputs to neural models: - seq_lengths: Number of tokens in each example before adding padding tokens. The number includes terminal tokens too if they are added before padding. If using an encoder that splits words in sub-words, seq_lengths still implies number of words (instead of number of sub-words) along with any added terminal tokens; this number is useful in case of token classifiers which require token-level (aka. word-level) outputs as well as in sequence classifiers models such as LSTM. - split_lengths: The length of each subgroup (i.e. group of sub-words) in each example. Due to its definition, it obviously does not include any terminal tokens in its counts. This can be seen as fine-grained information to seq_lengths values for the encoders with sub-word tokenization. This is again useful in cases of token classifiers to flexibly choose between representations of first sub-word or mean/max pool of sub-words' representations in order to obtain the word-level representations. For lookup table based encoders where words are not broken into sub-words, `split_lengths` is simply a sequence of ones whose sum indicates the number of words w/o terminal & padding tokens. - seq_ids (in case non-pretrained models that require training an embedding layer): The encoded ids useful for embedding lookup, including terminal special tokens if asked for, and with padding. - attention_masks (only in case of huggingface trainable encoders): Boolean flags corresponding to each id in seq_ids, set to 0 if padding token else 1. - hgf_encodings (only in huggingface pretrained encoders): A dict of outputs from a Pretrained Language Model encoder from Huggingface (shortly dubbed as hgf). - char_seq_ids (only in dual tokenizers): Similar to seq_ids but from a char tokenizer in case of dual tokenization - char_seq_lengths (only in dual tokenizers): Similar to seq_lengths but from a char tokenizer in case of dual tokenization. Like seq_lengths, this also includes terminal special tokens from char vocab in the length count whenever added. Following is the description of the different keys that serve as inputs to neural models: Following is the description of the different keys that are outputted by neural models: - seq_embs: The embeddings produced before final classification (dense) layers by sequence-classification classes (generally of shape [batch_size, emd_dim]). - token_embs: The embeddings produced before final classification (dense) layers by token-classification classes (generally of shape [batch_size, seq_length, emd_dim]). - logits: Classification scores (before SoftMax). - loss: Classification loss object. """ pass
[docs]class ValidationMetricType(enum.Enum): ACCURACY = "accuracy" F1 = "f1"
[docs]class TokenizerType(enum.Enum): WHITESPACE_TOKENIZER = "whitespace-tokenizer" CHAR_TOKENIZER = "char-tokenizer" WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER = "whitespace_and_char-tokenizer" BPE_TOKENIZER = "bpe-tokenizer" WORDPIECE_TOKENIZER = "wordpiece-tokenizer" HUGGINGFACE_PRETRAINED_TOKENIZER = "huggingface_pretrained-tokenizer"
[docs]class EmbedderType(enum.Enum): NONE = None GLOVE = "glove" BERT = "bert"
[docs]class ClassificationType(enum.Enum): TEXT = "text" TAGGER = "tagger"
[docs]class SequenceClassificationType(enum.Enum): EMBEDDER = "embedder" CNN = "cnn" LSTM = "lstm"
[docs]class TokenClassificationType(enum.Enum): EMBEDDER = "embedder" LSTM = "lstm-pytorch" CNN_LSTM = "cnn-lstm" LSTM_LSTM = "lstm-lstm"
TRAIN_DEV_SPLIT_SEED = 6174 SHUFFLE_TRAINING_SEED = 8128 LABEL_PAD_TOKEN_IDX = -1 # value set based on default label padding idx in pytorch DEFAULT_TRAINING_INFERENCE_PARAMS = { "device": "cuda" if is_cuda_available else "cpu", "number_of_epochs": 100, "patience": 7, "batch_size": 32, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, "max_grad_norm": None, "optimizer": "Adam", "learning_rate": 0.001, "validation_metric": "accuracy", "dev_split_ratio": 0.2 } DEFAULT_VANILLA_BERT_MODEL_PARAMS = { "batch_size": 16, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 2, "number_of_epochs": 20, "patience": 5, "embedder_output_pooling_type": "first", } DEFAULT_COMMON_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_PARAMS = { "output_keep_prob": 0.7, "use_crf_layer": True, "patience": 10, # observed in benchmarking that more patience is better when using crf "token_spans_pooling_type": "first", # if words split in subgroups, tells which subword representation to consider "validation_metric": "f1", } DEFAULT_EMB_DIM = 256 # TODO: A whitespace default can be inappropriate for languages like Japanese, Chinese, etc. Other # tokenizer types such as character or huggingface-pretrained tokenizers can be used instead. DEFAULT_TOKENIZER = TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_TOKENIZER.value DEFAULT_FORWARD_PASS_PARAMS = { "EmbedderForSequenceClassification": { "embedder_type": EmbedderType.NONE.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "embedder_output_pooling_type": "mean", "output_keep_prob": 1.0, # set to 1.0 due to the shallowness of the architecture }, "CnnForSequenceClassification": { "embedder_type": EmbedderType.NONE.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "output_keep_prob": 0.7, "window_sizes": [3, 4, 5], "number_of_windows": [100, 100, 100], }, "LstmForSequenceClassification": { "embedder_type": EmbedderType.NONE.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "output_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_hidden_dim": 128, "lstm_num_layers": 2, "lstm_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_bidirectional": True, "lstm_output_pooling_type": "last", }, "BertForSequenceClassification": { **DEFAULT_VANILLA_BERT_MODEL_PARAMS, "pretrained_model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "embedder_output_pooling_type": "first", "output_keep_prob": 1.0, # this dropout unnecessary upon using `embedder_output_keep_prob` # other values for following keys will possibly throw errors "embedder_type": "bert", "tokenizer_type": TokenizerType.HUGGINGFACE_PRETRAINED_TOKENIZER.value, # keys that are not mutually exclusive and are valid when some of the above keys are set "save_frozen_embedder": False, # the key is valid only when update_embeddings=False }, "EmbedderForTokenClassification": { **DEFAULT_COMMON_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_PARAMS, "embedder_type": EmbedderType.NONE.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "output_keep_prob": 1.0, # set to 1.0 due to the shallowness of the architecture, }, "LstmForTokenClassification": { **DEFAULT_COMMON_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_PARAMS, "embedder_type": EmbedderType.NONE.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_hidden_dim": 128, "lstm_num_layers": 2, "lstm_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_bidirectional": True, }, "CharCnnWithWordLstmForTokenClassification": { **DEFAULT_COMMON_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_PARAMS, "embedder_type": EmbedderType.NONE.value, "tokenizer_type": TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_hidden_dim": 128, "lstm_num_layers": 2, "lstm_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_bidirectional": True, "char_emb_dim": 50, "char_window_sizes": [3, 4, 5], "char_number_of_windows": [100, 100, 100], "char_cnn_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "char_proj_dim": None, "add_terminals": False, }, "CharLstmWithWordLstmForTokenClassification": { **DEFAULT_COMMON_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_PARAMS, "tokenizer_type": TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER.value, "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_hidden_dim": 128, "lstm_num_layers": 2, "lstm_keep_prob": 0.7, "lstm_bidirectional": True, "char_emb_dim": 50, "char_lstm_hidden_dim": 128, "char_lstm_num_layers": 2, "char_lstm_keep_prob": 0.7, "char_lstm_bidirectional": True, "char_lstm_output_pooling_type": "last", "char_proj_dim": None, "add_terminals": False, }, "BertForTokenClassification": { **DEFAULT_VANILLA_BERT_MODEL_PARAMS, **DEFAULT_COMMON_TOKEN_CLASSIFICATION_PARAMS, "pretrained_model_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", "update_embeddings": True, "embedder_output_keep_prob": 0.7, "output_keep_prob": 1.0, # this dropout unnecessary upon using `embedder_output_keep_prob` "use_crf_layer": False, # Following BERT paper's best results, # other values for following keys will possibly throw errors "embedder_type": "bert", "tokenizer_type": TokenizerType.HUGGINGFACE_PRETRAINED_TOKENIZER.value, # keys that are not mutually exclusive and are valid when some of the above keys are set "save_frozen_embedder": False, # the key is valid only when update_embeddings=False } }
[docs]def get_default_params(class_name: str): """ Returns all the default params based on the inputted class name Args: class_name (str): A (child) class name from or """ try: return { **DEFAULT_TRAINING_INFERENCE_PARAMS, **DEFAULT_FORWARD_PASS_PARAMS[class_name] } except KeyError as e: msg = f"Cannot find module name {class_name} when looking for default params." logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) from e
[docs]def get_disk_space_of_model(pytorch_module): """ Returns the disk space of a pytorch module in MB units. This includes all weights (trainable and non-trainable) of the module. Args: pytorch_module: a pytorch neural network module derived from torch.nn.Module Returns: size (float): The size of model when dumped """ filename = "temp.bin" _get_module_or_attr("torch").save(pytorch_module.state_dict(), filename) size = os.path.getsize(filename) / 1e6 os.remove(filename) msg = f"Pytorch module will be dumped temporarily at {filename} in order to " \ f"calculate its disk size." logger.debug(msg) return size
[docs]def get_num_weights_of_model(pytorch_module): """ Returns the number of trainable and the total parameters in a pytorch module. Returning both helps to do a sanity check if any layers which are meant to be frozen are being trained or not. Args: pytorch_module: a pytorch neural network module derived from torch.nn.Module Returns: number_of_params (tuple): A tuple of number of params that are trainable and total number of params of the pytorch module """ n_total = 0 n_requires_grad = 0 for param in list(pytorch_module.parameters()): t = param.numel() n_total += t if param.requires_grad: n_requires_grad += t return n_requires_grad, n_total