Source code for mindmeld.models.nn_utils.token_classification

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Custom modules built on top of nn layers that can do token classification

import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import List

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
from torchcrf import CRF

from .classification import BaseClassification
from .helpers import TokenClassificationType
from .helpers import TokenizerType, EmbedderType
from .layers import (
from ..containers import HuggingfaceTransformersContainer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseTokenClassification(BaseClassification): """Base class that defines all the necessary elements to successfully train/infer custom pytorch modules wrapped on top of this base class. Classes derived from this base can be trained for sequence tagging aka. token classification. """ @property def classification_type(self): return "tagger" def _prepare_labels(self, labels: List[List[int]], max_length: int): # for token classification, the length of an example matters (i.e. the number of # (sub-)words in it) as the labels/targets are one-to-one mapped per (sub-)word. # hence, we need to do padding with a _label_padding_idx def _trim_or_pad(label_sequence): if len(label_sequence) > max_length: return label_sequence[:max_length] else: return ( label_sequence + [self.params._label_padding_idx] * (max_length - len(label_sequence)) ) return torch.as_tensor( [_trim_or_pad(_label_sequence) for _label_sequence in labels], dtype=torch.long ) def _init_graph(self): self._init_core() # init the underlying params and architectural components try: assert self.out_dim > 0 self.params.update({"out_dim": self.out_dim}) except (AttributeError, AssertionError) as e: msg = f"Derived class '{}' must indicate its hidden size for dense layer " \ f"classification by having an attribute 'self.out_dim', which must be a " \ f"positive integer greater than 1" raise ValueError(msg) from e # init the peripheral architecture params and architectural components self.span_pooling_layer = SplittingAndPoolingLayer( self.params.token_spans_pooling_type, self.encoder.number_of_terminal_tokens, # arg max number of terminal tokens ) if not self.params.num_labels: msg = f"Invalid number of labels ({self.params.num_labels}) inputted to '{}'" raise ValueError(msg) # init the peripheral architectural components and the criterion to compute loss self.dense_layer_dropout = nn.Dropout( p=1 - self.params.output_keep_prob ) if self.params.use_crf_layer: self.classifier_head = nn.Linear(self.out_dim, self.params.num_labels) self.crf_layer = CRF(self.params.num_labels, batch_first=True) else: if self.params.num_labels >= 2: # cross-entropy criterion self.classifier_head = nn.Linear(self.out_dim, self.params.num_labels) self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss( reduction='mean', ignore_index=self.params._label_padding_idx) else: msg = f"Invalid number of labels specified: {self.params.num_labels}. " \ f"A valid number is equal to or greater than 2" raise ValueError(msg) msg = f"{} is initialized"
[docs] def forward(self, batch_data): batch_data = self.to_device(batch_data) batch_data = self._forward_core(batch_data) token_embs = batch_data["token_embs"] # strip the terminals if required; note they are not accounted in the label padding process token_embs = self.span_pooling_layer( token_embs, batch_data["split_lengths"], # List[Tensor1d[int]], discard_terminals=self.params.add_terminals ) # [BS, SEQ_LEN`, EMD_DIM], and the SEQ_LEN` matches the width of labels upon padding token_embs = self.dense_layer_dropout(token_embs) logits = self.classifier_head(token_embs) batch_data.update({"logits": logits}) targets = batch_data.pop("_labels", None) if targets is not None: if self.params.use_crf_layer: # create a mask to ignore token positions that are padded mask = torch.as_tensor(targets != self.params._label_padding_idx, dtype=torch.uint8).to(self.params.device) loss = - self.crf_layer(logits, targets, mask=mask) # negative log likelihood else: loss = self.criterion(logits.view(-1, logits.shape[-1]), targets.view(-1)) batch_data.update({"loss": loss}) return batch_data
[docs] def predict(self, examples): predictions = [] was_training = self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for start_idx in range(0, len(examples), self.params.batch_size): batch_examples = examples[start_idx:start_idx + self.params.batch_size] batch_data = self.encoder.batch_encode( batch_examples, padding_length=self.params.padding_length, **({'add_terminals': self.params.add_terminals} if self.params.add_terminals is not None else {}) ) batch_logits = self.forward(batch_data)["logits"] # find predictions if self.params.use_crf_layer: # create a mask to ignore token positions that are padded mask = pad_sequence( [torch.as_tensor([1] * len(_split_lengths)) for _split_lengths in batch_data["split_lengths"]], batch_first=True ) # [BS] -> [BS, SEQ_LEN] mask = torch.as_tensor(mask, dtype=torch.uint8).to(self.params.device) batch_predictions = self.crf_layer.decode(batch_logits, mask=mask) else: batch_predictions = torch.argmax(batch_logits, dim=-1).tolist() # trim predictions as per sequence length batch_predictions = [ predictions[:len(_split_lengths)] for predictions, _split_lengths in zip(batch_predictions, batch_data["split_lengths"]) ] predictions.extend(batch_predictions) if was_training: self.train() return predictions
[docs] def predict_proba(self, examples): prediction_tuples = [] was_training = self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): for start_idx in range(0, len(examples), self.params.batch_size): batch_examples = examples[start_idx:start_idx + self.params.batch_size] batch_data = self.encoder.batch_encode( batch_examples, padding_length=self.params.padding_length, **({'add_terminals': self.params.add_terminals} if self.params.add_terminals is not None else {}) ) batch_logits = self.forward(batch_data)["logits"] # find prediction probabilities if self.params.use_crf_layer: msg = f"Prediction probabilities cannot be computed when the param " \ f"use_crf_layer is set to True in {self.__class__.__name__}" raise NotImplementedError(msg) else: batch_maxes = torch.max(batch_logits, dim=-1) batch_predictions = batch_maxes.indices.tolist() batch_probabilities = batch_maxes.values.tolist() for preds, probs, _split_lengths in zip( batch_predictions, batch_probabilities, batch_data["split_lengths"] ): prediction_tuples.append(list(zip(preds, probs))[:len(_split_lengths)]) if was_training: self.train() return prediction_tuples
@abstractmethod def _init_core(self) -> None: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def _forward_core(self, batch_data): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class EmbedderForTokenClassification(BaseTokenClassification): def _init_core(self): self.emb_layer = EmbeddingLayer( self.params._num_tokens, self.params.emb_dim, self.params._padding_idx, self.params.pop("_embedding_weights", None), self.params.update_embeddings, 1 - self.params.embedder_output_keep_prob ) self.out_dim = self.params.emb_dim def _forward_core(self, batch_data): seq_ids = batch_data["seq_ids"] # [BS, SEQ_LEN] token_embs = self.emb_layer(seq_ids) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.out_dim] batch_data.update({"token_embs": token_embs}) return batch_data
[docs]class LstmForTokenClassification(BaseTokenClassification): """A LSTM module that operates on a batched sequence of token ids. The tokens could be characters or words or sub-words. This module uses an additional input that determines how the sequence of embeddings obtained after the LSTM layers for each instance in the batch, needs to be split. Once split, the sub-groups of embeddings (each sub-group corresponding to a word or a phrase) can be collapsed to 1D representation per sub-group through pooling operations. Finally, this module outputs a 2D representation for each instance in the batch (i.e. [BS, SEQ_LEN', EMB_DIM]). """ def _init_core(self): self.emb_layer = EmbeddingLayer( self.params._num_tokens, self.params.emb_dim, self.params._padding_idx, self.params.pop("_embedding_weights", None), self.params.update_embeddings, 1 - self.params.embedder_output_keep_prob ) self.lstm_layer = LstmLayer( self.params.emb_dim, self.params.lstm_hidden_dim, self.params.lstm_num_layers, 1 - self.params.lstm_keep_prob, self.params.lstm_bidirectional ) self.out_dim = ( self.params.lstm_hidden_dim * 2 if self.params.lstm_bidirectional else self.params.lstm_hidden_dim ) def _forward_core(self, batch_data): seq_ids = batch_data["seq_ids"] # [BS, SEQ_LEN] summed_split_lengths = [ sum(_split_lengths) + (self.encoder.number_of_terminal_tokens if self.params.add_terminals else 0) for _split_lengths in batch_data["split_lengths"] ] summed_split_lengths = torch.as_tensor(summed_split_lengths, dtype=torch.long) # [BS] token_embs = self.emb_layer(seq_ids) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, EMD_DIM] token_embs = self.lstm_layer( token_embs, summed_split_lengths) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.out_dim] batch_data.update({"token_embs": token_embs}) return batch_data
[docs]class CharLstmWithWordLstmForTokenClassification(BaseTokenClassification): def _prepare_input_encoder(self, examples, **params): if (params.get("tokenizer_type") and TokenizerType(params.get("tokenizer_type")) != TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER ): msg = f"Param 'tokenizer_type' must be " \ f"{TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER.value} for " \ f"{self.__class__.__name__}." raise ValueError(msg) params = super()._prepare_input_encoder(examples, **params) # update params without which can become ambiguous when loading a model params.update({ "_char_num_tokens": len(self.encoder.get_char_vocab()), "_char_padding_idx": self.encoder.get_char_pad_token_idx(), "char_add_terminals": params.get("char_add_terminals"), "char_padding_length": params.get("char_padding_length"), "char_emb_dim": params.get("char_emb_dim"), }) return params def _init_core(self): self.char_proj_dim = self.params.get("char_proj_dim") or self.params.emb_dim self.params.update({"char_proj_dim": self.char_proj_dim}) self.char_emb_layer = EmbeddingLayer( self.params._char_num_tokens, self.params.char_emb_dim, self.params._char_padding_idx, self.params.pop("_char_embedding_weights", None), self.params.update_embeddings ) self.char_lstm_layer = LstmLayer( self.params.char_emb_dim, self.params.char_lstm_hidden_dim, self.params.char_lstm_num_layers, 1 - self.params.char_lstm_keep_prob, self.params.char_lstm_bidirectional ) self.char_dropout = nn.Dropout( p=1 - self.params.char_lstm_keep_prob ) self.char_lstm_output_pooling = PoolingLayer( self.params.char_lstm_output_pooling_type ) char_out_dim = ( self.params.char_lstm_hidden_dim * 2 if self.params.char_lstm_bidirectional else self.params.char_lstm_hidden_dim ) self.char_lstm_output_transform = nn.Linear(char_out_dim, self.params.char_proj_dim) self.emb_layer = EmbeddingLayer( self.params._num_tokens, self.params.emb_dim, self.params._padding_idx, self.params.pop("_embedding_weights", None), self.params.update_embeddings, 1 - self.params.embedder_output_keep_prob ) self.lstm_layer = LstmLayer( self.params.emb_dim + self.params.char_proj_dim, self.params.lstm_hidden_dim, self.params.lstm_num_layers, 1 - self.params.lstm_keep_prob, self.params.lstm_bidirectional ) self.out_dim = ( self.params.lstm_hidden_dim * 2 if self.params.lstm_bidirectional else self.params.lstm_hidden_dim ) def _forward_core(self, batch_data): char_seq_ids = batch_data["char_seq_ids"] # List of [BS, SEQ_LEN] char_seq_lengths = batch_data["char_seq_lengths"] # List of [BS] encs = [self.char_emb_layer(_seq_ids) for _seq_ids in char_seq_ids] encs = [self.char_lstm_layer(enc, seq_len) for enc, seq_len in zip(encs, char_seq_lengths)] encs = [self.char_dropout(enc) for enc in encs] encs = [self.char_lstm_output_pooling(enc, seq_len) for enc, seq_len in zip(encs, char_seq_lengths)] encs = pad_sequence(encs, batch_first=True) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, char_out_dim] char_encs = self.char_lstm_output_transform(encs) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.char_proj_dim] summed_split_lengths = [ sum(_split_lengths) + (self.encoder.number_of_terminal_tokens if self.params.add_terminals else 0) for _split_lengths in batch_data["split_lengths"] ] summed_split_lengths = torch.as_tensor(summed_split_lengths, dtype=torch.long) # [BS] seq_ids = batch_data["seq_ids"] # [BS, SEQ_LEN] word_encs = self.emb_layer(seq_ids) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.emb_dim] char_plus_word_encs =, word_encs), dim=-1) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, sum(both)] token_embs = self.lstm_layer( char_plus_word_encs, summed_split_lengths) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.out_dim] batch_data.update({"token_embs": token_embs}) return batch_data
[docs]class CharCnnWithWordLstmForTokenClassification(BaseTokenClassification): def _prepare_input_encoder(self, examples, **params): if (params.get("tokenizer_type") and TokenizerType(params.get("tokenizer_type")) != TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER ): msg = f"Param 'tokenizer_type' must be " \ f"{TokenizerType.WHITESPACE_AND_CHAR_DUAL_TOKENIZER.value} for " \ f"{self.__class__.__name__}." raise ValueError(msg) params = super()._prepare_input_encoder(examples, **params) # update params without which can become ambiguous when loading a model params.update({ "_char_num_tokens": len(self.encoder.get_char_vocab()), "_char_padding_idx": self.encoder.get_char_pad_token_idx(), "char_add_terminals": params.get("char_add_terminals"), "char_padding_length": params.get("char_padding_length"), "char_emb_dim": params.get("char_emb_dim"), }) return params def _init_core(self): self.char_proj_dim = self.params.get("char_proj_dim") or self.params.emb_dim self.params.update({"char_proj_dim": self.char_proj_dim}) self.char_emb_layer = EmbeddingLayer( self.params._char_num_tokens, self.params.char_emb_dim, self.params._char_padding_idx, self.params.pop("_char_embedding_weights", None), self.params.update_embeddings ) self.char_conv_layer = CnnLayer( self.params.char_emb_dim, self.params.char_window_sizes, self.params.char_number_of_windows ) self.char_dropout = nn.Dropout( p=1 - self.params.char_cnn_output_keep_prob ) char_out_dim = sum(self.params.char_number_of_windows) self.char_cnn_output_transform = nn.Linear(char_out_dim, self.params.char_proj_dim) self.emb_layer = EmbeddingLayer( self.params._num_tokens, self.params.emb_dim, self.params._padding_idx, self.params.pop("_embedding_weights", None), self.params.update_embeddings, 1 - self.params.embedder_output_keep_prob ) self.lstm_layer = LstmLayer( self.params.emb_dim + self.params.char_proj_dim, self.params.lstm_hidden_dim, self.params.lstm_num_layers, 1 - self.params.lstm_keep_prob, self.params.lstm_bidirectional ) self.out_dim = ( self.params.lstm_hidden_dim * 2 if self.params.lstm_bidirectional else self.params.lstm_hidden_dim ) def _forward_core(self, batch_data): char_seq_ids = batch_data["char_seq_ids"] # List of [BS, SEQ_LEN] encs = [self.char_emb_layer(_seq_ids) for _seq_ids in char_seq_ids] encs = [self.char_conv_layer(enc) for enc in encs] encs = [self.char_dropout(enc) for enc in encs] encs = pad_sequence(encs, batch_first=True) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, sum(self.number_of_windows)] char_encs = self.char_cnn_output_transform(encs) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.char_proj_dim] summed_split_lengths = [ sum(_split_lengths) + (self.encoder.number_of_terminal_tokens if self.params.add_terminals else 0) for _split_lengths in batch_data["split_lengths"] ] summed_split_lengths = torch.as_tensor(summed_split_lengths, dtype=torch.long) # [BS] seq_ids = batch_data["seq_ids"] # [BS, SEQ_LEN] word_encs = self.emb_layer(seq_ids) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.emb_dim] char_plus_word_encs =, word_encs), dim=-1) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, sum(both)] token_embs = self.lstm_layer( char_plus_word_encs, summed_split_lengths) # [BS, SEQ_LEN, self.out_dim] batch_data.update({"token_embs": token_embs}) return batch_data
[docs]class BertForTokenClassification(BaseTokenClassification):
[docs] def fit(self, examples, labels, **params): # overriding base class' method to set params, and then calling base class' .fit() embedder_type = params.get("embedder_type", EmbedderType.BERT.value) if EmbedderType(embedder_type) != EmbedderType.BERT: msg = f"{} can only be used with 'embedder_type': " \ f"'{EmbedderType.BERT.value}'. " \ f"Other values passed through config params are not allowed." raise ValueError(msg) safe_values = { "num_warmup_steps": 50, "learning_rate": 2e-5, "optimizer": "AdamW", "max_grad_norm": 1.0 } for k, v in safe_values.items(): v_inputted = params.get(k, v) if v != v_inputted: msg = f"{} can be best used with '{k}' equal to '{v}' but found " \ f"the value '{v_inputted}'. Use the non-default value with caution as it " \ f"may lead to unexpected results and longer training times depending on " \ f"the choice of pretrained model." logger.warning(msg) else: params.update({k: v}) params.update({ "embedder_type": embedder_type, "save_frozen_embedder": params.get("save_frozen_embedder", False) # if True, # frozen set of bert weights are also dumped, else they are skipped as they are not # tuned and anyway frozen during training. }) super().fit(examples, labels, **params)
def _create_optimizer(self): params = list(self.named_parameters()) no_decay = ["bias", 'LayerNorm.bias', "LayerNorm.weight", 'layer_norm.bias', 'layer_norm.weight'] optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ {'params': [p for n, p in params if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.01}, {'params': [p for n, p in params if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay)], 'weight_decay': 0.0} ] optimizer = getattr(torch.optim, self.params.optimizer)( optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=self.params.learning_rate, eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0.01 ) return optimizer def _create_optimizer_and_scheduler(self, num_training_steps): num_warmup_steps = min(int(0.1 * num_training_steps), self.params.num_warmup_steps) self.params.update({"num_warmup_steps": num_warmup_steps}) # # refer `get_linear_schedule_with_warmup` method def lr_lambda(current_step: int): if current_step < num_warmup_steps: return float(current_step) / float(max(1, num_warmup_steps)) return max( 0.0, float(num_training_steps - current_step) / float( max(1, num_training_steps - num_warmup_steps)) ) # load a torch optimizer optimizer = self._create_optimizer() # load a lr scheduler scheduler = getattr(torch.optim.lr_scheduler, "LambdaLR")(optimizer, lr_lambda) return optimizer, scheduler def _get_dumpable_state_dict(self): if not self.params.update_embeddings and not self.params.save_frozen_embedder: state_dict = OrderedDict( {k: v for k, v in self.state_dict().items() if not k.startswith("bert_model")} ) return state_dict return self.state_dict() def _init_core(self): self.bert_model = HuggingfaceTransformersContainer( self.params.pretrained_model_name_or_path, cache_lookup=False ).get_transformer_model() if not self.params.update_embeddings: for param in self.bert_model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.dropout = nn.Dropout( p=1 - self.params.embedder_output_keep_prob ) self.out_dim = self.params.emb_dim def _forward_core(self, batch_data): # refer to # for more details on huggingface's bert outputs bert_outputs = self.bert_model(**batch_data["hgf_encodings"], return_dict=True) # 'last_hidden_state' refers to the tensor output of the final transformer layer (i.e. # before the logit layer) and hence its dimension [BS, SEQ_LEN, EMD_DIM] last_hidden_state = bert_outputs.get("last_hidden_state") # [BS, SEQ_LEN, EMD_DIM] if last_hidden_state is None: msg = f"The choice of pretrained bert model " \ f"({self.params.pretrained_model_name_or_path}) " \ f"has no key 'last_hidden_state' in its output dictionary." raise ValueError(msg) last_hidden_state = self.dropout(last_hidden_state) batch_data.update({"token_embs": last_hidden_state}) return batch_data
[docs]def get_token_classifier_cls(classifier_type: str, embedder_type: str = None): try: classifier_type = TokenClassificationType(classifier_type) except ValueError as e: msg = f"Neural Nets' token classification module expects classifier_type to be amongst" \ f" {[v.value for v in TokenClassificationType.__members__.values()]}" \ f" but found '{classifier_type}'." raise ValueError(msg) from e try: embedder_type = EmbedderType(embedder_type) except ValueError as e: msg = f"Neural Nets' token classification module expects embedder_type to be amongst" \ f" {[v.value for v in EmbedderType.__members__.values()]} " \ f" but found '{embedder_type}'." raise ValueError(msg) from e if ( embedder_type == EmbedderType.BERT and classifier_type not in [TokenClassificationType.EMBEDDER] ): msg = f"To use the embedder_type '{EmbedderType.BERT.value}', " \ f"classifier_type must be '{TokenClassificationType.EMBEDDER.value}'." raise ValueError(msg) # disambiguation between glove, bert and non-pretrained embedders def _resolve_and_return_embedder_class(_embedder_type): return { EmbedderType.NONE: EmbedderForTokenClassification, EmbedderType.GLOVE: EmbedderForTokenClassification, EmbedderType.BERT: BertForTokenClassification }[_embedder_type] return { TokenClassificationType.EMBEDDER: _resolve_and_return_embedder_class(embedder_type), TokenClassificationType.LSTM: LstmForTokenClassification, TokenClassificationType.CNN_LSTM: CharCnnWithWordLstmForTokenClassification, TokenClassificationType.LSTM_LSTM: CharLstmWithWordLstmForTokenClassification, }[classifier_type]