Source code for mindmeld.models.tagger_models

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# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
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"""This module contains the Memm entity recognizer."""
import logging
import os
import random

import joblib

from .evaluation import EntityModelEvaluation, EvaluatedExample
from .helpers import (
from .model import ModelConfig, Model, PytorchModel, AbstractModelFactory
from .nn_utils import get_token_classifier_cls, TokenClassificationType
from .taggers.crf import CRFTagger
from .taggers.memm import MemmModel
from ..exceptions import MindMeldError

    from .taggers.lstm import LstmModel
except ImportError:
    LstmModel = None

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TaggerModel(Model): """A machine learning classifier for tags. This class manages feature extraction, training, cross-validation, and prediction. The design goal is that after providing initial settings like hyperparameters, grid-searchable hyperparameters, feature extractors, and cross-validation settings, TaggerModel manages all of the details involved in training and prediction such that the input to training or prediction is Query objects, and the output is class names, and no data manipulation is needed from the client. Attributes: classifier_type (str): The name of the classifier type. Currently recognized values are "memm","crf", and "lstm" hyperparams (dict): A kwargs dict of parameters that will be used to initialize the classifier object. grid_search_hyperparams (dict): Like 'hyperparams', but the values are lists of parameters. The training process will grid search over the Cartesian product of these parameter lists and select the best via cross-validation. feat_specs (dict): A mapping from feature extractor names, as given in FEATURE_NAME_MAP, to a kwargs dict, which will be passed into the associated feature extractor function. cross_validation_settings (dict): A dict that contains "type", which specifies the name of the cross-validation strategy, such as "k-folds" or "shuffle". The remaining keys are parameters specific to the cross-validation type, such as "k" when the type is "k-folds". """ # classifier types CRF_TYPE = "crf" MEMM_TYPE = "memm" LSTM_TYPE = "lstm" ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES = [CRF_TYPE, MEMM_TYPE, LSTM_TYPE] # for default model scoring types ACCURACY_SCORING = "accuracy" SEQ_ACCURACY_SCORING = "seq_accuracy" SEQUENCE_MODELS = ["crf"] DEFAULT_FEATURES = { "bag-of-words-seq": { "ngram_lengths_to_start_positions": {1: [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2], 2: [-2, -1, 0, 1]} }, "in-gaz-span-seq": {}, "sys-candidates-seq": {"start_positions": [-1, 0, 1]}, } def __init__(self, config): if not config.features: config_dict = config.to_dict() config_dict["features"] = TaggerModel.DEFAULT_FEATURES config = ModelConfig(**config_dict) super().__init__(config) # Get model classifier and initialize self._clf = self._get_model_constructor()() self._clf.setup_model(self.config) self._no_entities = False self.types = None def __getstate__(self): """Returns the information needed to pickle an instance of this class. By default, pickling removes attributes with names starting with underscores. This overrides that behavior. For the _resources field, we save the resources that are memory intensive """ attributes = self.__dict__.copy() attributes["_resources"] = {} resources_to_persist = set(["sys_types"]) for key in resources_to_persist: attributes["_resources"][key] = self.__dict__["_resources"][key] return attributes def _get_model_constructor(self): """Returns the python class of the actual underlying model""" classifier_type = self.config.model_settings["classifier_type"] try: if classifier_type == TaggerModel.LSTM_TYPE and LstmModel is None: msg = ( "{}: Classifier type {!r} dependencies not found. Install the " "mindmeld[tensorflow] extra to use this classifier type." ) raise ValueError(msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, classifier_type)) return { TaggerModel.MEMM_TYPE: MemmModel, TaggerModel.CRF_TYPE: CRFTagger, TaggerModel.LSTM_TYPE: LstmModel, }[classifier_type] except KeyError as e: msg = "{}: Classifier type {!r} not recognized" raise ValueError(msg.format(self.__class__.__name__, classifier_type)) from e def _fit(self, examples, labels, params=None): """Trains a classifier without cross-validation. Args: examples (list of mindmeld.core.Query): a list of queries to train on labels (list of tuples of mindmeld.core.QueryEntity): a list of expected labels params (dict): Parameters of the classifier """ self._clf.set_params(**params) return, labels) def _convert_params(self, param_grid, y, is_grid=True): """ Convert the params from the style given by the config to the style passed in to the actual classifier. Args: param_grid (dict): lists of classifier parameter values, keyed by parameter name Returns: (dict): revised param_grid """ return param_grid def _get_cv_scorer(self, selection_settings): """ Returns the scorer to use based on the selection settings and classifier type, defaulting to tag accuracy. """ classifier_type = self.config.model_settings["classifier_type"] # Sets the default scorer based on the classifier type if classifier_type in TaggerModel.SEQUENCE_MODELS: default_scorer = get_seq_tag_accuracy_scorer() else: default_scorer = TaggerModel.ACCURACY_SCORING # Gets the scorer based on what is passed in to the selection settings (reverts to # default if nothing is passed in) scorer = selection_settings.get("scoring", default_scorer) if scorer == TaggerModel.SEQ_ACCURACY_SCORING: if classifier_type not in TaggerModel.SEQUENCE_MODELS: logger.error( "Sequence accuracy is only available for the following models: " "%s. Using tag level accuracy instead...", str(TaggerModel.SEQUENCE_MODELS), ) return TaggerModel.ACCURACY_SCORING return get_seq_accuracy_scorer() elif ( scorer == TaggerModel.ACCURACY_SCORING and classifier_type in TaggerModel.SEQUENCE_MODELS ): return get_seq_tag_accuracy_scorer() else: return scorer
[docs] def unload(self): self._clf = None self._current_params = None self._label_encoder = None self._no_entities = None
[docs] def get_feature_matrix(self, examples, y=None, fit=False): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def select_params(self, examples, labels, selection_settings=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fit(self, examples, labels, params=None): """Trains the model. Args: examples (ProcessedQueryList.QueryIterator): A list of queries to train on. labels (ProcessedQueryList.EntitiesIterator): A list of expected labels. params (dict): Parameters of the classifier. """ skip_param_selection = self.config.param_selection is None params = params or self.config.params # Shuffle to prevent order effects indices = list(range(len(labels))) random.shuffle(indices) examples.reorder(indices) labels.reorder(indices) types = [entity.entity.type for label in labels for entity in label] self.types = types if len(set(types)) == 0: self._no_entities = True "There are no labels in this label set, so we don't fit the model." ) return self # Extract labels - label encoders are the same across all entity recognition models self._label_encoder = get_label_encoder(self.config) y = self._label_encoder.encode(labels, examples=examples) # Extract features X, y, groups = self._clf.extract_features( examples, self.config, self._resources, y, fit=True ) # Fit the model if skip_param_selection: self._clf = self._fit(X, y, params) self._current_params = params else: non_supported_classes = (CRFTagger, LstmModel) if LstmModel is not None else CRFTagger # run cross validation to select params if isinstance(self._clf, non_supported_classes): raise MindMeldError(f"The {type(self._clf).__name__} model does not support cross-validation") _, best_params = self._fit_cv(X, y, groups, fixed_params=params) self._clf = self._fit(X, y, best_params) self._current_params = best_params return self
[docs] def view_extracted_features(self, query, dynamic_resource=None): """Returns a dictionary of extracted features and their weights for a given query Args: query (mindmeld.core.Query): The query to extract features from dynamic_resource (dict): The dynamic resource used along with the query Returns: list: A list of dictionaries of extracted features and their weights """ workspace_resource = ingest_dynamic_gazetteer( self._resources, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, text_preparation_pipeline=self.text_preparation_pipeline ) return self._clf.extract_example_features( query, self.config, workspace_resource )
[docs] def predict(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): """ Args: examples (list of mindmeld.core.Query): a list of queries to train on dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference Returns: (list of tuples of mindmeld.core.QueryEntity): a list of predicted labels """ if self._no_entities: return [()] workspace_resource = ingest_dynamic_gazetteer( self._resources, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, text_preparation_pipeline=self.text_preparation_pipeline ) predicted_tags = self._clf.extract_and_predict( examples, self.config, workspace_resource ) # Decode the tags to labels labels = [ self._label_encoder.decode([example_predicted_tags], examples=[example])[0] for example_predicted_tags, example in zip(predicted_tags, examples) ] return labels
[docs] def predict_proba(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None, fetch_distribution=False): """ Args: examples (list of mindmeld.core.Query): a list of queries to train on dynamic_resource (dict, optional): A dynamic resource to aid NLP inference Returns: list of tuples of (mindmeld.core.QueryEntity): a list of predicted labels \ with confidence scores """ if self._no_entities: return [] workspace_resource = ingest_dynamic_gazetteer( self._resources, dynamic_resource=dynamic_resource, text_preparation_pipeline=self.text_preparation_pipeline ) if fetch_distribution: predicted_tags_probas = self._clf.predict_proba_distribution( examples, self.config, workspace_resource ) return tuple(zip(*predicted_tags_probas[0])) predicted_tags_probas = self._clf.predict_proba( examples, self.config, workspace_resource ) tags, probas = zip(*predicted_tags_probas[0]) entity_confidence = [] entities = self._label_encoder.decode([tags], examples=[examples[0]])[0] for entity in entities: entity_proba = \ probas[entity.normalized_token_span.start: entity.normalized_token_span.end + 1] # We assume that the score of the least likely tag in the sequence as the confidence # score of the entire entity sequence entity_confidence.append(min(entity_proba)) predicted_labels_scores = tuple(zip(entities, entity_confidence)) return predicted_labels_scores
[docs] def evaluate(self, examples, labels, fetch_distribution=False): """Evaluates a model against the given examples and labels Args: examples: A list of examples to predict labels: A list of expected labels Returns: ModelEvaluation: an object containing information about the \ evaluation """ if self._no_entities: "There are no labels in this label set, so we don't " "run model evaluation." ) return predictions = self.predict(examples) if fetch_distribution: # if active learning, store entity confidences along with predicted tags probas = [] # probabilities for all tags across all tokens for example in examples: probas.append(self.predict_proba([example], fetch_distribution=True)) evaluations = [ EvaluatedExample(e, labels[i], predictions[i], probas[i], self.config.label_type) for i, e in enumerate(examples) ] # For all other use cases, keep top predicted tag and probability evaluations = [ EvaluatedExample(e, labels[i], predictions[i], None, self.config.label_type) for i, e in enumerate(examples) ] config = self._get_effective_config() model_eval = EntityModelEvaluation(config, evaluations) return model_eval
def _dump(self, path): # In TaggerModel, unlike TextModel, two dumps happen, # one, the underneath classifier and two, the tagger model's metadata metadata = {"serializable": self._clf.is_serializable} if self._clf.is_serializable: metadata.update({ "model": self }) else: # underneath tagger dump for LSTM model, returned `model_dir` is None for MEMM & CRF self._clf.dump(path) if isinstance(self._clf, CRFTagger): metadata.update({ "model_config": self.config, "feature_and_label_encoder": self._clf.get_torch_encoder(), "model_type": "crf" }) elif isinstance(self._clf, LstmModel): metadata.update({ "current_params": self._current_params, "label_encoder": self._label_encoder, "no_entities": self._no_entities, "model_config": self.config, "model_type": "lstm" }) # dump model metadata os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) joblib.dump(metadata, path)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): """ Load the model state to memory. Args: path (str): The path to dump the model to """ # load model metadata metadata = joblib.load(path) # The default is True since < MM 3.2.0 models are serializable by default is_serializable = metadata.get("serializable", True) # If model is serializable, it can be loaded and used as-is. But if not serializable, # it means we need to create an instance and load necessary details for it to be used. if not is_serializable: model = cls(metadata["model_config"]) if metadata.get('model_type') == 'lstm': # misc resources load try: model._current_params = metadata["current_params"] model._label_encoder = metadata["label_encoder"] model._no_entities = metadata["no_entities"] except KeyError: # backwards compatability model_dir = metadata["model"] tagger_vars = joblib.load(model_dir, ".tagger_vars") model._current_params = tagger_vars["current_params"] model._label_encoder = tagger_vars["label_encoder"] model._no_entities = tagger_vars["no_entities"] # underneath tagger load model._clf.load(model_dir) # replace model dump directory with actual model elif metadata.get('model_type') == 'crf': model._clf.set_params(**metadata["model_config"].params) model._current_params = model._clf.get_params() model._clf.set_torch_encoder(metadata['feature_and_label_encoder']) model._clf.load(path) metadata["model"] = model return metadata["model"]
[docs]class PytorchTaggerModel(PytorchModel): ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES = [v.value for v in TokenClassificationType.__members__.values()] def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self._no_entities = False self.types = None def _get_model_constructor(self): """Returns the class of the actual underlying model""" classifier_type = self.config.model_settings["classifier_type"] embedder_type = self.config.params.get("embedder_type") \ if self.config.params is not None else None return get_token_classifier_cls( classifier_type=classifier_type, embedder_type=embedder_type )
[docs] def evaluate(self, examples, labels): """Evaluates a model against the given examples and labels Args: examples: A list of examples to predict labels: A list of expected labels Returns: ModelEvaluation: an object containing information about the \ evaluation """ if self._no_entities: "There are no labels in this label set, so we don't " "run model evaluation." ) return predictions = self.predict(examples) evaluations = [ EvaluatedExample(e, labels[i], predictions[i], None, self.config.label_type) for i, e in enumerate(examples) ] model_eval = EntityModelEvaluation(self.config, evaluations) return model_eval
[docs] def fit(self, examples, labels, params=None): types = [entity.entity.type for label in labels for entity in label] self.types = types if len(set(types)) == 0: self._no_entities = True "There are no labels in this label set, so we don't fit the model." ) return self if not examples: return self # Encode classes self._label_encoder = get_label_encoder(self.config) y = self._label_encoder.encode(labels, examples=examples) flat_y = sum(y, []) encoded_flat_y = self._class_encoder.fit_transform(flat_y).tolist() encoded_y = [] start_idx = 0 for seq_length in [len(_y) for _y in y]: encoded_y.append(encoded_flat_y[start_idx: start_idx + seq_length]) start_idx += seq_length y = list(encoded_y) params = params or self.config.params if params and params.get("query_text_type"): if params.get("query_text_type") != "normalized_text": msg = f"The param 'query_text_type' for {self.__class__.__name__} must be " \ f"'normalized_text' but found '{params.get('query_text_type')}'. " \ f"This is required as the labels are created " \ f"based on the type 'normalized_text' only." logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._set_query_text_type(params, default="normalized_text") examples_texts = self._get_texts_from_examples(examples) self._validate_training_data(examples_texts, y) self._clf = self._get_model_constructor()() # gets the class name only, y, **(params if params is not None else {})) return self
[docs] def predict(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): del dynamic_resource if self._no_entities: return [()] # snippet re-used from ./ examples_texts = self._get_texts_from_examples(examples) y = self._clf.predict(examples_texts) flat_y = sum(y, []) decoded_flat_y = self._class_encoder.inverse_transform(flat_y).tolist() decoded_y = [] start_idx = 0 for seq_length in [len(_y) for _y in y]: decoded_y.append(decoded_flat_y[start_idx: start_idx + seq_length]) start_idx += seq_length y = list(decoded_y) # Decode the tags to labels labels = [ self._label_encoder.decode([_y], examples=[example])[0] for _y, example in zip(y, examples) ] return labels
[docs] def predict_proba(self, examples, dynamic_resource=None): del dynamic_resource if self._no_entities: return [] examples_texts = self._get_texts_from_examples(examples) predicted_tags_probas = self._clf.predict_proba(examples_texts) int_tags, probas = zip(*predicted_tags_probas[0]) tags = self._class_encoder.inverse_transform(int_tags).tolist() entity_confidence = [] entities = self._label_encoder.decode([tags], examples=[examples[0]])[0] for entity in entities: entity_proba = \ probas[entity.normalized_token_span.start: entity.normalized_token_span.end + 1] # We assume that the score of the least likely tag in the sequence as the confidence # score of the entire entity sequence entity_confidence.append(min(entity_proba)) predicted_labels_scores = tuple(zip(entities, entity_confidence)) return predicted_labels_scores
def _dump(self, path): self._clf.dump(path) # dump model metadata metadata = { "label_encoder": self._label_encoder, "class_encoder": self._class_encoder, "query_text_type": self._query_text_type, "model_config": self.config, "no_entities": self._no_entities, } os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) joblib.dump(metadata, path)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): # load model metadata metadata = joblib.load(path) model = cls(metadata["model_config"]) model._label_encoder = metadata["label_encoder"] model._class_encoder = metadata["class_encoder"] model._query_text_type = metadata["query_text_type"] model._no_entities = metadata["no_entities"] # underneath tagger load model._clf = model._get_model_constructor().load(path) # .load() is a classmethod return model
def _validate_training_data(self, examples, labels): super()._validate_training_data(examples, labels) for ex, label_tokens in zip(examples, labels): ex_tokens = ex.split(" ") if len(ex_tokens) != len(label_tokens): msg = f"Number of tokens in a sentence ({len(ex_tokens)}) must be same as the " \ f"number of tokens in the corresponding token labels " \ f"({len(label_tokens)}) for sentence '{ex}' with labels '{label_tokens}'" raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]class TaggerModelFactory(AbstractModelFactory):
[docs] @staticmethod def get_model_cls(config: ModelConfig): CLASSES = [TaggerModel, PytorchTaggerModel] classifier_type = config.model_settings["classifier_type"] for _class in CLASSES: if classifier_type in _class.ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES: return _class msg = f"Invalid 'classifier_type': {classifier_type}. " \ f"Allowed types are: {[_class.ALLOWED_CLASSIFIER_TYPES for _class in CLASSES]}" raise ValueError(msg)