Source code for mindmeld.resource_loader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This module contains the processor resource loader.
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import time
from collections import Counter
from copy import deepcopy

import nltk
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

from . import markup, path
from .constants import DEFAULT_TRAIN_SET_REGEX
from .core import Entity
from .exceptions import MindMeldError
from .gazetteer import Gazetteer
                             OUT_OF_BOUNDS_TOKEN, mask_numerics)
from .path import MODEL_CACHE_PATH
from .query_cache import QueryCache
from .query_factory import QueryFactory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ProcessedQueryList: """ ProcessedQueryList provides a memory efficient disk backed list representation for a list of queries. """ def __init__(self, cache=None, elements=None): self._cache = cache self.elements = elements or [] @property def cache(self): return self._cache @cache.setter def cache(self, cache): self._cache = cache
[docs] def append(self, query_id): self.elements.append(query_id)
[docs] def extend(self, query_ids): self.elements.extend(query_ids)
def __len__(self): return len(self.elements) def __bool__(self): return bool(len(self))
[docs] def processed_queries(self): return ProcessedQueryList.Iterator(self)
[docs] def raw_queries(self): return ProcessedQueryList.RawQueryIterator(self)
[docs] def queries(self): return ProcessedQueryList.QueryIterator(self)
[docs] def entities(self): return ProcessedQueryList.EntitiesIterator(self)
[docs] def domains(self): return ProcessedQueryList.DomainIterator(self)
[docs] def intents(self): return ProcessedQueryList.IntentIterator(self)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_in_memory_list(queries): """ Creates a ProcessedQueryList wrapper around an in-memory list of ProcessedQuery objects Args: queries (list(ProcessedQuery)): queries to wrap Returns: ProcessedQueryList object """ return ProcessedQueryList( cache=ProcessedQueryList.MemoryCache(queries), elements=list(range(len(queries))) )
[docs] class Iterator: def __init__(self, source, cached=False): self.source = source self.elements = source.elements self.result_cache = [] if not cached else [None] * len(source) self.iter_idx = -1 def __iter__(self): self.iter_idx = -1 return self def __next__(self): self.iter_idx += 1 if self.iter_idx == len(self): raise StopIteration if self.result_cache and self.result_cache[self.iter_idx] is not None: return self.result_cache[self.iter_idx] result = self[self.iter_idx] if self.result_cache: self.result_cache[self.iter_idx] = result return result def __len__(self): return len(self.elements) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Override this function for getting other types of cached data. """ return self.source.cache.get(self.elements[key])
[docs] def reorder(self, indices): self.elements = [self.elements[i] for i in indices] if self.result_cache: self.result_cache = [self.result_cache[i] for i in indices]
[docs] class RawQueryIterator(Iterator): def __getitem__(self, key): return self.source.cache.get_raw_query(self.elements[key])
[docs] class QueryIterator(Iterator): def __getitem__(self, key): return self.source.cache.get_query(self.elements[key])
[docs] class EntitiesIterator(Iterator): def __getitem__(self, key): return self.source.cache.get_entities(self.elements[key])
[docs] class DomainIterator(Iterator): def __init__(self, source): # Caches the elements in memory if they are backed by sqlite3 cached = not isinstance(source.cache, ProcessedQueryList.MemoryCache) super().__init__(source, cached=cached) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.source.cache.get_domain(self.elements[key])
[docs] class IntentIterator(Iterator): def __init__(self, source): # Caches the elements in memory if they are backed by sqlite3 cached = not isinstance(source.cache, ProcessedQueryList.MemoryCache) super().__init__(source, cached=cached) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.source.cache.get_intent(self.elements[key])
[docs] class ListIterator(Iterator): """ ListIterator is a wrapper around a in memory list that supports the same functionality as a ProcessedQueryList.Iterator. This allows building of arbitrary lists of data and presenting them as a ProcessedQueryList.Iterator to functions that require them. """ def __init__(self, elements): self.source = None self.elements = elements self.result_cache = None self.iter_idx = -1 def __getitem__(self, key): return self.elements[key]
[docs] class MemoryCache: """ A class to provide cache functionality for in-memory lists of ProcessedQuery objects """ def __init__(self, queries): self.queries = queries
[docs] def get(self, row_id): return self.queries[row_id]
[docs] def get_raw_query(self, row_id): return self.get(row_id).query.text
[docs] def get_query(self, row_id): return self.get(row_id).query
[docs] def get_entities(self, row_id): return self.get(row_id).entities
[docs] def get_domain(self, row_id): return self.get(row_id).domain
[docs] def get_intent(self, row_id): return self.get(row_id).intent
[docs]class ResourceLoader: """ResourceLoader objects are responsible for loading resources necessary for nlp components (classifiers, entity recognizer, parsers, etc). Note: we need to keep resource helpers as instance methods, as ``load_feature_resource`` assumes all helpers to be instance methods. """ def __init__(self, app_path, query_factory, query_cache=None): self.app_path = app_path self.query_factory = query_factory # Example Layout: { # 'entity_type': { # 'entity_data': { # for gazetteer.txt # 'loaded': '', # the time the file was last loaded # 'modified': '', # the time the file was last modified # 'data': contents of file # }, # 'mapping': { # for mapping.json # 'loaded': '', # the time the file was last loaded # 'modified': '', # the time the file was last modified # }, # 'gazetteer': { # for pickled gazetteer # 'loaded': '', # the time the file was last loaded # 'modified': '', # the time the file was last modified # } # } # } self._entity_files = {} # Example layout: { # 'domain': { # 'intent': { # 'filename': { # 'modified': '', # the time the file was last modified # 'loaded': '', # the time the file was last loaded # 'queries': [], # the queries loaded from the file # } # } # } # } self.file_to_query_info = {} self._hasher = Hasher() self._query_cache = query_cache self._hash_to_model_path = None @property def query_cache(self): """ Lazy load the query cache since it's not required for inference. """ if not self._query_cache: text_prep_hash = self.query_factory.text_preparation_pipeline.get_hashid() self._query_cache = QueryCache(app_path=self.app_path, schema_version_hash=text_prep_hash) return self._query_cache @property def hash_to_model_path(self): """dict: A dictionary that maps hashes to the file path of the classifier.""" if self._hash_to_model_path is None: self._load_cached_models() return self._hash_to_model_path
[docs] def get_gazetteers(self, force_reload=False): """Gets gazetteers for all entities. Returns: dict: Gazetteer data keyed by entity type """ # TODO: get role gazetteers entity_types = path.get_entity_types(self.app_path) return { entity_type: self.get_gazetteer(entity_type, force_reload=force_reload) for entity_type in entity_types }
[docs] def get_gazetteer(self, gaz_name, force_reload=False): """Gets a gazetteers by name. Args: gaz_name (str): The name of the entity the gazetteer corresponds to Returns: dict: Gazetteer data """ self._update_entity_file_dates(gaz_name) # TODO: get role gazetteers if self._gaz_needs_build(gaz_name) or force_reload: self.build_gazetteer(gaz_name, force_reload=force_reload) if self._entity_file_needs_load("gazetteer", gaz_name): self.load_gazetteer(gaz_name) return self._entity_files[gaz_name]["gazetteer"]["data"]
[docs] def get_text_preparation_pipeline(self): """Get the tokenizer from the query_factory attribute Returns: text_preparation_pipeline (TextPreparationPipeline): Class responsible for the normalization and tokenization of text. """ return self.query_factory.text_preparation_pipeline
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sentiment_analyzer(): """ Returns a sentiment analyzer and downloads the necessary data libraries required from nltk """ try:"sentiment/") except LookupError:"Downloading lexicon for sentiment analysis")"vader_lexicon") return SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
[docs] def get_gazetteers_hash(self): """ Gets a single hash of all the gazetteer ordered by alphabetical entity type. Returns: str: Hash of a list of gazetteer hashes. """ entity_types = path.get_entity_types(self.app_path) return self._hasher.hash_list( ( self.get_gazetteer_hash(entity_type) for entity_type in sorted(entity_types) ) )
[docs] def get_gazetteer_hash(self, gaz_name): """ Gets the hash of a gazetteer by entity name. Args: gaz_name (str): The name of the entity the gazetteer corresponds to Returns: str: Hash of a gazetteer specified by name. """ self._update_entity_file_dates(gaz_name) entity_data_path = path.get_entity_gaz_path(self.app_path, gaz_name) entity_data_hash = self._hasher.hash_file(entity_data_path) mapping_path = path.get_entity_map_path(self.app_path, gaz_name) mapping_hash = self._hasher.hash_file(mapping_path) return self._hasher.hash_list([entity_data_hash, mapping_hash])
[docs] def build_gazetteer(self, gaz_name, exclude_ngrams=False, force_reload=False): """Builds the specified gazetteer using the entity data and mapping files. Args: gaz_name (str): The name of the entity the gazetteer corresponds to exclude_ngrams (bool, optional): Whether partial matches of entities should be included in the gazetteer force_reload (bool, optional): Whether file should be forcefully reloaded from disk """ popularity_cutoff = 0.0"Building gazetteer '%s'", gaz_name) # TODO: support role gazetteers gaz = Gazetteer(gaz_name, self.get_text_preparation_pipeline(), exclude_ngrams) entity_data_path = path.get_entity_gaz_path(self.app_path, gaz_name) gaz.update_with_entity_data_file( entity_data_path, popularity_cutoff, self.query_factory.normalize ) self._entity_files[gaz_name]["entity_data"]["loaded"] = time.time() mapping = self.get_entity_map(gaz_name, force_reload=force_reload) gaz.update_with_entity_map( mapping.get("entities", []), self.query_factory.normalize ) gaz_path = path.get_gazetteer_data_path(self.app_path, gaz_name) gaz.dump(gaz_path) self._entity_files[gaz_name]["gazetteer"]["data"] = gaz.to_dict() self._entity_files[gaz_name]["gazetteer"]["loaded"] = time.time()
[docs] def load_gazetteer(self, gaz_name): """ Loads a gazetteer specified by the entity name. Args: gaz_name (str): The name of the entity the gazetteer corresponds to """ gaz = Gazetteer(gaz_name, self.get_text_preparation_pipeline()) gaz_path = path.get_gazetteer_data_path(self.app_path, gaz_name) gaz.load(gaz_path) self._entity_files[gaz_name]["gazetteer"]["data"] = gaz.to_dict() self._entity_files[gaz_name]["gazetteer"]["loaded"] = time.time()
[docs] def get_entity_map(self, entity_type, force_reload=False): """Creates a mapping file for a given entity. Args: entity_type (str): The name of the entity """ self._update_entity_file_dates(entity_type) if self._entity_file_needs_load("mapping", entity_type) or force_reload: # file is out of date, load it self.load_entity_map(entity_type) return deepcopy(self._entity_files[entity_type]["mapping"]["data"])
[docs] def load_entity_map(self, entity_type): """Loads an entity mapping file. Args: entity_type (str): The name of the entity """ file_path = path.get_entity_map_path(self.app_path, entity_type) logger.debug("Loading entity map from file '%s'", file_path) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): logger.warning("Entity map file not found at %s", file_path) json_data = {} else: try: with open(file_path, "r") as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise MindMeldError( "Could not load entity map (Invalid JSON): {!r}".format(file_path) ) from e self._entity_files[entity_type]["mapping"]["data"] = json_data self._entity_files[entity_type]["mapping"]["loaded"] = time.time()
def _load_cached_models(self): if not self._hash_to_model_path: self._hash_to_model_path = {} cache_path = MODEL_CACHE_PATH.format(app_path=self.app_path) for dir_path, _, file_names in os.walk(cache_path): for filename in [f for f in file_names if f.endswith(".hash")]: file_path = os.path.join(dir_path, filename) hash_val = open(file_path, "r").read() classifier_file_path = file_path.split(".hash")[0] if not os.path.exists(classifier_file_path): # In some cases, there exists hash file but without a corresponding serialized # model; which implies that a model was probably not required (eg. only 1 domain # in case of domain classifier or only 1 intent in an intent classifier or no # entity types for an entity recognizer) msg = f"No serialized model available at {classifier_file_path}" self._hash_to_model_path[hash_val] = classifier_file_path def _gaz_needs_build(self, gaz_name): try: build_time = self._entity_files[gaz_name]["gazetteer"]["modified"] except KeyError: # gazetteer hasn't been built return True # We changed the value type for the pop_dict dict, so we check to make sure its a tuple pop_dict = self._entity_files[gaz_name]['gazetteer'].get('data', {}).get('pop_dict') if pop_dict and not all(isinstance(elem, tuple) for elem in list(pop_dict.keys())): return True data_modified = self._entity_files[gaz_name]["entity_data"]["modified"] mapping_modified = self._entity_files[gaz_name]["mapping"]["modified"] # If entity data or mapping modified after gaz build -> stale return build_time < data_modified or build_time < mapping_modified def _entity_file_needs_load(self, file_type, entity_type): mod_time = self._entity_files[entity_type][file_type]["modified"] try: load_time = self._entity_files[entity_type][file_type]["loaded"] except KeyError: # file hasn't been loaded return True return load_time < mod_time def _update_entity_file_dates(self, entity_type): # TODO: handle deleted entity file_table = self._entity_files.get( entity_type, {"entity_data": {}, "mapping": {}, "gazetteer": {}} ) self._entity_files[entity_type] = file_table # update entity data entity_data_path = path.get_entity_gaz_path(self.app_path, entity_type) try: file_table["entity_data"]["modified"] = os.path.getmtime(entity_data_path) except (OSError, IOError): # required file doesnt exist -- notify and error out logger.warning( "Entity data file not found at %r. " "Proceeding with empty entity data.", entity_data_path, ) # mark the modified time as now if the entity file does not exist # so that the gazetteer gets rebuilt properly. file_table["entity_data"]["modified"] = time.time() # update mapping mapping_path = path.get_entity_map_path(self.app_path, entity_type) try: file_table["mapping"]["modified"] = os.path.getmtime(mapping_path) except (OSError, IOError): # required file doesnt exist logger.warning( "Entity mapping file not found at %r. " "Proceeding with empty entity data.", mapping_path, ) # mark the modified time as now if the entity mapping file does not exist # so that the gazetteer gets rebuilt properly. file_table["mapping"]["modified"] = time.time() # update gaz data gazetteer_path = path.get_gazetteer_data_path(self.app_path, entity_type) try: file_table["gazetteer"]["modified"] = os.path.getmtime(gazetteer_path) except (OSError, IOError): # gaz not yet built so set to a time impossibly long ago file_table["gazetteer"]["modified"] = 0.0
[docs] def get_labeled_queries( self, domain=None, intent=None, label_set=None, force_reload=False ): """Gets labeled queries from the cache, or loads them from disk. Args: domain (str): The domain of queries to load intent (str): The intent of queries to load force_reload (bool): Will not load queries from the cache when True Returns: dict: ProcessedQuery objects (or strings) loaded from labeled query files, organized by domain and intent. """ label_set = label_set or DEFAULT_TRAIN_SET_REGEX query_tree = {} file_iter = self._traverse_labeled_queries_files(domain, intent, label_set) for a_domain, an_intent, filename in file_iter: file_info = self.file_to_query_info[filename] if force_reload or ( not file_info["loaded"] or file_info["loaded"] < file_info["modified"] ): # file is out of date, load it self.load_query_file(a_domain, an_intent, filename) if a_domain not in query_tree: query_tree[a_domain] = {} if an_intent not in query_tree[a_domain]: query_tree[a_domain][an_intent] = ProcessedQueryList(self.query_cache) queries = query_tree[a_domain][an_intent] queries.extend(file_info["query_ids"]) return query_tree
[docs] @staticmethod def flatten_query_tree(query_tree): """ Takes a query tree and returns the elements in list form. Args: query_tree (dict): A nested dictionary that organizes queries by domain then intent. Returns: list: A list of Query objects. """ flattened = ProcessedQueryList() for _, intent_queries in query_tree.items(): for _, queries in intent_queries.items(): if not flattened.cache: flattened.cache = queries.cache elif flattened.cache != queries.cache: logger.error("query_tree is built from incompatible query_caches") raise ValueError("query_tree is built from incompatible query_caches") flattened.extend(queries.elements) return flattened
[docs] def get_flattened_label_set( self, domain=None, intent=None, label_set=None, force_reload=False ): return self.flatten_query_tree( self.get_labeled_queries(domain, intent, label_set, force_reload) )
def _traverse_labeled_queries_files( self, domain=None, intent=None, file_pattern=DEFAULT_TRAIN_SET_REGEX ): provided_intent = intent query_tree = path.get_labeled_query_tree(self.app_path) self._update_query_file_dates(query_tree) domains = [domain] if domain else query_tree.keys() for a_domain in sorted(domains): if provided_intent: intents = [provided_intent] else: intents = query_tree[a_domain].keys() for an_intent in sorted(intents): files = query_tree[a_domain][an_intent].keys() # filter to files which belong to the label set for file_path in sorted(files): if re.match(file_pattern, os.path.basename(file_path)): yield a_domain, an_intent, file_path
[docs] def get_all_file_paths(self, file_pattern=".*.txt"): """ Get a list of text file paths across all intents. Returns: list: A list of all file paths. """ file_iter = self._traverse_labeled_queries_files(file_pattern=file_pattern) return [filename for _, _, filename in file_iter]
[docs] def filter_file_paths(self, compiled_pattern, file_paths=None): """ Get a list of file paths that match a specific file_pattern Args: compiled_pattern (sre.SRE_Pattern): A compiled regex pattern to filter with. file_paths (list): A list of file paths. Returns: list: A list of file paths. """ all_file_paths = file_paths or self.get_all_file_paths() matched_paths = [] for file_path in all_file_paths: m = compiled_pattern.match(file_path) if m: matched_paths.append( if len(matched_paths) == 0: logger.warning("No matches were found for the given compiled pattern") return matched_paths
[docs] def load_query_file(self, domain, intent, file_path): """Loads the queries from the specified file. Args: domain (str): The domain of the query file intent (str): The intent of the query file file_path (str): The name of the query file """"Loading queries from file %s", file_path) file_data = self.file_to_query_info[file_path] query_ids = markup.cache_query_file( file_path, self.query_cache, self.query_factory, self.app_path, domain, intent, is_gold=True ) for _id in query_ids: try: self._check_query_entities(self.query_cache.get(_id)) except MindMeldError as exc: logger.warning(exc.message) file_data["query_ids"] = query_ids file_data["loaded"] = time.time()
def _check_query_entities(self, query): entity_types = path.get_entity_types(self.app_path) for entity in query.entities: if ( entity.entity.type not in entity_types and not entity.entity.is_system_entity ): msg = "Unknown entity {!r} found in query {!r}" raise MindMeldError( msg.format(entity.entity.type, query.query.text) ) def _update_query_file_dates(self, query_tree): # We can just use this if it this is the first check new_query_files = {} for domain in query_tree: for intent in query_tree[domain]: for filename in query_tree[domain][intent]: # filename needs to be full path new_query_files[filename] = { "modified": query_tree[domain][intent][filename], "loaded": None, } all_filenames = set(new_query_files.keys()) all_filenames.update(self.file_to_query_info.keys()) for filename in all_filenames: try: new_file_info = new_query_files[filename] except KeyError: # an old file that was removed del self.file_to_query_info[filename] continue try: old_file_info = self.file_to_query_info[filename] except KeyError: # a new file self.file_to_query_info[filename] = new_file_info continue # file existed before and now -> update old_file_info["modified"] = new_file_info["modified"]
[docs] class WordFreqBuilder: """ Compiles unigram frequency dictionary of normalized query tokens """ def __init__(self, enable_stemming=False): self.enable_stemming = enable_stemming self.tokens = []
[docs] def add(self, query): for i in range(len(query.normalized_tokens)): tok = query.normalized_tokens[i] self.tokens.append(mask_numerics(tok)) if self.enable_stemming: # We only add stemmed tokens that are not the same # as the original token to reduce the impact on # word frequencies stemmed_tok = query.stemmed_tokens[i] if stemmed_tok != tok: self.tokens.append(mask_numerics(stemmed_tok))
[docs] def get_resource(self): return Counter(self.tokens)
[docs] class CharNgramFreqBuilder: """ Compiles n-gram character frequency dictionary of normalized query tokens """ def __init__(self, lengths, thresholds): self.lengths = lengths self.thresholds = list(thresholds) + [1] * (len(lengths) - len(thresholds)) self.char_freq_dict = Counter()
[docs] def add(self, query): for length, threshold in zip(self.lengths, self.thresholds): # Minimum value of thresholds must be one to include all ngrams in train files # i.e, no ngram in our dictionary can occur less than once in our training data if threshold < 1: logger.warning( "Threshold value of n-grams cannot be less than 1." "Resetting to 1 to extract all character ngrams in the domain", ) query_text = re.sub(r"\d", "0", query.normalized_text) character_tokens = [ query_text[i: i + length] for i in range(len(query_text)) if len(query_text[i: i + length]) == length ] self.char_freq_dict.update(character_tokens)
[docs] def get_resource(self): return self.char_freq_dict
[docs] class WordNgramFreqBuilder: """ Compiles n-gram frequency dictionary of normalized query tokens """ def __init__(self, lengths, thresholds, enable_stemming=False): self.lengths = lengths self.thresholds = list(thresholds) + [1] * (len(lengths) - len(thresholds)) self.enable_stemming = enable_stemming self.word_freq_dict = Counter()
[docs] def add(self, query): for length, threshold in zip(self.lengths, self.thresholds): # Minimum value of thresholds must be one to include all ngrams in train files # i.e, no ngram in our dictionary can occur less than once in our training data if threshold < 1: logger.warning( "Threshold value of n-grams cannot be less than 1." "Resetting to 1 to extract all ngrams in the domain", ) ngram_tokens = [] # Adding OOB token for entity bow feature extractor normalized_tokens = [OUT_OF_BOUNDS_TOKEN] + \ [re.sub(r"\d", "0", tok) for tok in query.normalized_tokens] + \ [OUT_OF_BOUNDS_TOKEN] if self.enable_stemming: stemmed_tokens = [OUT_OF_BOUNDS_TOKEN] + \ [re.sub(r"\d", "0", tok) for tok in query.stemmed_tokens] + \ [OUT_OF_BOUNDS_TOKEN] for i in range(len(normalized_tokens)): ngram_query = " ".join(normalized_tokens[i: i + length]) ngram_tokens.append(ngram_query) if self.enable_stemming: stemmed_ngram_query = " ".join(stemmed_tokens[i: i + length]) if stemmed_ngram_query != ngram_query: ngram_tokens.append(stemmed_ngram_query) self.word_freq_dict.update(ngram_tokens)
[docs] def get_resource(self): return self.word_freq_dict
[docs] class QueryFreqBuilder: """ Compiles frequency dictionary of normalized and stemmed query strings """ def __init__(self, enable_stemming=False): self.enable_stemming = enable_stemming self.query_dict = Counter() self.stemmed_query_dict = Counter()
[docs] def add(self, query): self.query_dict.update(["<{}>".format(query.normalized_text)]) if self.enable_stemming: self.stemmed_query_dict.update(["<{}>".format(query.stemmed_text)])
[docs] def get_resource(self): for query in self.query_dict: if self.query_dict[query] < 2: self.query_dict[query] = 0 if self.enable_stemming: for query in self.stemmed_query_dict: if self.stemmed_query_dict[query] < 2: self.stemmed_query_dict[query] = 0 self.query_dict += self.stemmed_query_dict return self.query_dict
[docs] def get_sys_entity_types(self, labels): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Get all system entity types from the entity labels. Args: labels (list of QueryEntity): a list of labeled entities """ # Build entity types set entity_types = set() for label in labels: for entity in label: entity_types.add(entity.entity.type) return set((t for t in entity_types if Entity.is_system_entity(t)))
[docs] def hash_feature_resource(self, name): """Hashes the named resource. Args: name (str): The name of the resource to hash Returns: str: The hash result """ hash_func = self.RSC_HASH_MAP.get(name) if hash_func: return hash_func(self) else: raise ValueError("Invalid resource name {!r}.".format(name))
[docs] def hash_string(self, string): """Hashes a string. Args: string (str): The string to hash Returns: str: The hash result """ return self._hasher.hash(string)
[docs] def hash_list(self, items): """Hashes the list of items. Args: items (list[str]): A list of strings to hash Returns: str: The hash result """ return self._hasher.hash_list(items)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_resource_loader(app_path, query_factory=None, text_preparation_pipeline=None): """Creates the resource loader for the app at app path. Args: app_path (str): The path to the directory containing the app's data query_factory (QueryFactory): The app's query factory text_preparation_pipeline (TextPreparationPipeline): The app's text preparation pipeline. Returns: ResourceLoader: a resource loader """ query_factory = query_factory or QueryFactory.create_query_factory( app_path, text_preparation_pipeline=text_preparation_pipeline ) return ResourceLoader(app_path, query_factory)
RSC_HASH_MAP = { GAZETTEER_RSC: get_gazetteers_hash, # the following resources only vary based on the queries used for training WORD_FREQ_RSC: lambda _: "constant", WORD_NGRAM_FREQ_RSC: lambda _: "constant", CHAR_NGRAM_FREQ_RSC: lambda _: "constant", QUERY_FREQ_RSC: lambda _: "constant", SYS_TYPES_RSC: lambda _: "constant", ENABLE_STEMMING: lambda _: "constant", SENTIMENT_ANALYZER: lambda _: "constant", }
[docs]class Hasher: """An thin wrapper around hashlib. Uses cache for commonly hashed strings. Attributes: algorithm (str): The hashing algorithm to use. Defaults to 'sha1'. See `hashlib.algorithms_available` for a list of options. """ def __init__(self, algorithm="sha1"): # TODO consider alternative data structure so cache doesnt get too big self._cache = {} # intentionally using the setter to check value self._algorithm = None self._set_algorithm(algorithm) def _get_algorithm(self): """Getter for algorithm property. Returns: str: the hashing algorithm """ return self._algorithm def _set_algorithm(self, value): """Setter for algorithm property. Args: value (str): The hashing algorithm to use. Defaults to sha1. See `hashlib.algorithms_available` for a list of options. value (str): The hashing algorithm to use. """ if value not in hashlib.algorithms_available: raise ValueError("Invalid hashing algorithm: {!r}".format(value)) if value != self._algorithm: # reset cache when changing algorithm self._cache = {} self._algorithm = value algorithm = property(_get_algorithm, _set_algorithm)
[docs] def hash(self, string): """Hashes a string. Args: string (str): The string to hash Returns: str: The hash result """ if string in self._cache: return self._cache[string] hash_obj = hash_obj.update(string.encode("utf8")) result = hash_obj.hexdigest() self._cache[string] = result return result
[docs] def hash_list(self, strings): """Hashes a list of strings. Args: strings (list[str]): The strings to hash Returns: str: The hash result """ hash_obj = for string in strings: hash_obj.update(self.hash(string).encode("utf8")) return hash_obj.hexdigest()
[docs] def hash_file(self, filename): """Creates a hash of the file. If the file does not exist, use the empty string instead and return the resulting hash digest. Args: filename (str): The path of a file to hash. Returns: str: A hex digest of the file hash """ hash_obj = try: with open(filename, "rb") as file_p: while True: buf = if not buf: break hash_obj.update(buf) except IOError: hash_obj.update("".encode("utf-8")) return hash_obj.hexdigest()