Source code for mindmeld.text_preparation.normalizers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""This module contains Normalizers."""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import codecs
import logging
import re
import unicodedata
from ..constants import CURRENCY_SYMBOLS
from ..path import ASCII_FOLDING_DICT_PATH

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ASCII_CUTOFF = ord("\u0080")

[docs]class Normalizer(ABC): """Abstract Normalizer Base Class.""" def __init__(self): """Creates a Normalizer instance."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method")
[docs] def tojson(self): """ Method defined to obtain recursive JSON representation of a TextPreparationPipeline. Args: None. Returns: JSON representation of Preprocessor (dict) . """ return {self.__class__.__name__: None}
[docs]class NoOpNormalizer(Normalizer): """A No-Ops Normalizer."""
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Returns the original text. """ return text
[docs]class ASCIIFold(Normalizer): """An ASCII Folding Normalizer.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ascii_folding_table = self.load_ascii_folding_table()
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ return self.fold_str_to_ascii(text)
[docs] def fold_char_to_ascii(self, char): """ Return the ASCII character corresponding to the folding token. Args: char: ASCII folding token Returns: char: a ASCII character """ char_ord = ord(char) if char_ord < ASCII_CUTOFF: return char try: return self.ascii_folding_table[char_ord] except KeyError: return char
[docs] def fold_str_to_ascii(self, text): """ Return the ASCII character corresponding to the folding token string. Args: str: ASCII folding token string Returns: char: a ASCII character """ folded_str = "" for char in text: folded_str += self.fold_char_to_ascii(char) return folded_str
[docs] @staticmethod def load_ascii_folding_table(): """ Load mapping of ascii code points to ascii characters. """ logger.debug( "Loading ascii folding mapping from file: %s.", ASCII_FOLDING_DICT_PATH ) ascii_folding_table = {} with ASCII_FOLDING_DICT_PATH, "r", encoding="unicode_escape" ) as mapping_file: for line in mapping_file: codepoint, ascii_char = line.split() ascii_folding_table[ord(codepoint)] = ascii_char return ascii_folding_table
[docs]class NFD(Normalizer): """Unicode NFD Normalizer Class. (Canonical Decomposition) For more details: """ def __init__(self): """Creates a NFD Normalizer instance.""" super().__init__() self.normalization_type = "NFD"
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ return unicodedata.normalize(self.normalization_type, text)
[docs]class NFC(Normalizer): """Unicode NFC Normalizer Class. (Canonical Decomposition, followed by Canonical Composition) For more details: """ def __init__(self): """Creates a NFC Normalizer instance.""" super().__init__() self.normalization_type = "NFC"
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ return unicodedata.normalize(self.normalization_type, text)
[docs]class NFKD(Normalizer): """Unicode NFKD Normalizer Class. (Compatibility Decomposition) For more details: """ def __init__(self): """Creates a NFKD Normalizer instance.""" super().__init__() self.normalization_type = "NFKD"
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ return unicodedata.normalize(self.normalization_type, text)
[docs]class NFKC(Normalizer): """Unicode NFKC Normalizer Class. (Compatibility Decomposition, followed by Canonical Composition) For more details: """ def __init__(self): """Creates a NFKC Normalizer instance.""" super().__init__() self.normalization_type = "NFKC"
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ return unicodedata.normalize(self.normalization_type, text)
[docs]class Lowercase(Normalizer): """Lowercase Normalizer Class."""
[docs] def normalize(self, text): """ Args: text (str): Input text. Returns: normalized_text (str): Normalized Text. """ return text.lower()
[docs]class RegexNormalizerRule(Normalizer): def __init__(self, pattern: str, replacement: str): """Creates a RegexNormalizerRule instance.""" self.pattern = pattern self.replacement = replacement self._expr = re.compile(self.pattern)
[docs] def normalize(self, s): return self._expr.sub(self.replacement, s)
[docs] def tojson(self): return {self.__class__.__name__ + "##" + self.pattern + "##" + self.replacement: None}
[docs]class RegexNormalizerRuleFactory: # exception_chars is a class var so that updates are accessible throughout the application EXCEPTION_CHARS = r"\@\[\]'"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_regex_normalizer_rule(regex_normalizer: str): """Creates a RegexNormalizerRule object based on the given rule and the current EXCEPTION_CHARS. Args: regex_normalizer (str): Name of the desired RegexNormalizerRule Returns: (RegexNormalizerRule): Default Regex Normalizer Rule """ if regex_normalizer in DEFAULT_REGEX_NORM_RULES: regex_rule_dict = DEFAULT_REGEX_NORM_RULES[regex_normalizer] # Inserts current EXCEPTION_CHARS in pattern string if applicable regex_rule_dict["pattern"] = regex_rule_dict["pattern"].format( exception_chars=RegexNormalizerRuleFactory.EXCEPTION_CHARS ) return RegexNormalizerRule(**regex_rule_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_regex_normalizers(regex_norm_rules): """A static method to get a RegexNormalizerRule from regex_norm_rules. Args: regex_norm_rules (List[Dict], optional): Regex normalization rules represented as dictionaries. The example rule below removes any text in parentheses. { "pattern": "\(.+?\)", "replacement": "" } Returns: regex_normalizer_rules (List[RegexNormalizerRule]): List of RegexNormalizerRule ojects created from the regex_norm_rules_provided. """ return [ RegexNormalizerRule(pattern=r["pattern"], replacement=r["replacement"]) for r in regex_norm_rules ]
DEFAULT_REGEX_NORM_RULES = { "RemoveAposAtEndOfPossesiveForm": { "pattern": r"^'(?=\S)|(?<=\S)'$", "replacement": "", }, "RemoveAdjacentAposAndSpace": {"pattern": r" '|' ", "replacement": ""}, "RemoveBeginningSpace": {"pattern": r"^\s+", "replacement": ""}, "RemoveTrailingSpace": {"pattern": r"\s+$", "replacement": ""}, "ReplaceSpacesWithSpace": {"pattern": r"\s+", "replacement": " "}, "ReplaceUnderscoreWithSpace": {"pattern": r"_", "replacement": " "}, "SeparateAposS": {"pattern": r"(?<=[^\s])'[sS]", "replacement": " 's"}, "ReplacePunctuationAtWordStartWithSpace": { "pattern": r"^[^\w\d&" + CURRENCY_SYMBOLS + "{exception_chars}" + r"]+", "replacement": " ", }, "ReplacePunctuationAtWordEndWithSpace": { "pattern": r"[^\w\d&" + CURRENCY_SYMBOLS + "{exception_chars}" + r"]+$", "replacement": " ", }, "ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersAndDigitsWithSpace": { "pattern": r"(?<=[^\W\d_])[^\w\d\s&" + "{exception_chars}" + r"]+(?=[\d]+)", "replacement": " ", }, "ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenDigitsAndLettersWithSpace": { "pattern": r"(?<=[\d])[^\w\d\s&" + "{exception_chars}" + r"]+(?=[^\W\d_]+)", "replacement": " ", }, "ReplaceSpecialCharsBetweenLettersWithSpace": { "pattern": r"(?<=[^\W\d_])[^\w\d\s&" + "{exception_chars}" + r"]+(?=[^\W\d_]+)", "replacement": " ", }, }
[docs]class NormalizerFactory: """Normalizer Factory Class"""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_normalizer(normalizer: str): """A static method to get a Normalizer Args: normalizer (str): Name of the desired Normalizer class Returns: (Normalizer): Normalizer Class """ if normalizer in DEFAULT_REGEX_NORM_RULES: return RegexNormalizerRuleFactory.get_default_regex_normalizer_rule( normalizer ) normalizer_classes = { NoOpNormalizer.__name__: NoOpNormalizer, ASCIIFold.__name__: ASCIIFold, NFC.__name__: NFC, NFD.__name__: NFD, NFKC.__name__: NFKC, NFKD.__name__: NFKD, Lowercase.__name__: Lowercase, } normalizer_class = normalizer_classes.get(normalizer) if not normalizer_class: raise TypeError(f"{normalizer} is not a valid Normalizer type.") return normalizer_class()